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Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 1:42 am
by sadieshope
I am new to this site but feel we must be in a similar place Mrs T Bones!
This is precisely what I have been grappling with of late. In the deepest throws of my anxiety and depression I could barely deem myself worthy of turning to God for assistance, I was terrified of his answer, I felt utterly worthless for a long time. But ever since I have begun to take charge of the fear I allowed myself to accept his love and let it strengthen me, and now grow in acceptance of my journey that he has chosen for me.
I am learning to love this path because of the absolute trust in God's love and wisdom. And indeed to pray that I stay on his intended path and not stray from it. His guidance is there to to keep us safe and learn the lessons we need to learn. It has been the crux of conquering my anxiety.
Thank you for sharing :)

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 1:34 am
by marty ann
TRust... Great illustration. Now I need to walk out this trust. How did Sadieshope take charge of the fear?

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 2:18 am
by sadieshope
Hi Mrs. T Bones,

Thank you for your reply and kind sentiments :)
I am in a good place, but don't get me wrong, I do struggle!

Marty Anne, when I speak of conquering the fear it has been about "living in the now" and facing the fear - naming it and dragging it out into the light of day where I have control over it, not it having control over me. Its hard work! And a constant process, but as Mrs T Bones has said, with 100% trust in God's divine plan (which also requires constant self reminders :))
it is possible. I have known a contentment I would not have dreamed possible. It gets shaky but its about analyzing every thought. A lot of it is based on CBT therapy which has helped no end! As WW put in another post "God helps those who help themselves, the most." :D Its a lovely motivator..
I also hit rock bottom about 6 months ago, and needed a way out. My prayers were answered. I hope yours are too.

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:30 am
by HisGirl
HI Mrs. T Bones,

Thanks for the beautiful post on trust. Just what I needed to hear today.


Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 2:07 am
by marty ann
Thank you Sadiehope. trust is for sharing about living in the now. I get so anxious that my thoughts fly to everything. I like the idea of dragging fear into the light instead of being dragged into the dark by the fear. I have been at bottom for months. Dear Jesus I need a grip to look up and see a glimmer of hope. The battle is not mine but I must participate. Dear Jesus, I want the me who is giving and caring again. But I know it must be a new me in you. Thank you Jesus.

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 4:59 pm
by creamcheesepuff
Ms. T Bones..Absolutely positively...YES, IN GOD WE TRUST!!! No lie in that statement. I have to LISTEN carefully, I have to sort out the noise when I talk to God, but he Did answer my prayers but ONLY AFTER SOME TRIALs and Tribulations!!! I think God wants you to Know and be convinced that this thing you want is definitely what you want and need when he gives it to you. But he does answer. I am proof. He had answered a prayer for me just recently!!!