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God's Grace

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 8:23 pm
by PurplePetal
Hi Everyone!,
I am so excited to see this group where I can talk about my journey with other Christians!!! Years ago in college when this all first started for me I had that really confused, hit bottom, panicky hopessless feeling before we figured out we were having panic attacks and drepression and that the tapes could help a lot. I thought 'if no one else knows what's going on with me God does. And, he would not make the ultimate sacrifice of giving His only Son for us, me included, just to let me faulter from this disorder'
That same comfort came to me today at my desk. I have been having a very hard time just sitting the whole day work, much less actually doing any work. I was really upset and I didn't know what to do but to pray and beg God for help through that moment. Not two minutes later I felt a new and refreshed energy in Christ, I felt God's grace.
Something I've had to hold on to since those rough time is college is the verse from Hebrews 13:5 "I will never leave nor forsake you"
God is at the center of it all, He is at the center of our healing. Christ walks with us every moment through the good and the bad. God is in control, not us. I live my life with God in it daily, I look to Him with the hope that things will be better. He protects me too. I am so glad that others who put God at the center of their lives are here to talk to. That we can discuss our journey and talk about how God is a part of it. Thanks!

Re: God's Grace

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 10:11 pm
by tinagirl81
Dear PurplePetal,

You are SO open about your faith and I am super blessed to witness it! You're challenging me to be more open too and I LOVE that :) That's so awesome.

I was wondering if you do any devotionals or Bible readings on a regular basis. It helps me to start my days with God, especially when I DON'T feel like it! Those are the days when it's the hardest because of my moods but that's when God shows up the MOST. Be expectant of what He wants to share with you...He loves you!!

Anyway, looking forward to your reply.
