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Religious Dogma>>>God is not punishing you!

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:54 pm
by PhyllisNeri
Do you sometimes feel like this? I did for a while. I would like to hear your thoughts. I am not a minister and I am not here to turn you to God or anything like that. I just want to know what you think and see if anyone else felt or feels that they are being punished. Put it out there....I would like to know your thoughts and maybe we could all have a laugh about why we think God is punishing us!!!! What a silly thing. :lol: Religious dogma can create such guilt. I dont even know if its a good idea to post this topic. I am just really interested if anyone else feels like this. I was watching religious TV all day long. That didn't forgive me or relieve any guilt. If you are in this type of viscous cycle, why dont you post a comment? Sometimes we need to laugh at what was shoved down our throats in the name of religion. I hope no one thinks of this in the wrong way. I am not a Bible banger.....I just used to think I wasn't good enough or a good person. Who is my judge? MYSELF. I never killed anybody, never hurt anybody , never beat anybody up (except myself, ALOT) so I am a good person. I forgive myself, I am kind to myself, and I urge you to do the same.

Re: Religious Dogma>>>God is not punishing you!

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 4:22 am
by GIL
Hi PhyllisNeri,

I must say that this is an interesting topic that you bring up. I was wondering if you could be more specific and give some examples. I would have to speculate or do a lot of assuming to comment on what you bring up. For example, you use only the words religion/religious. Are you speaking in terms of Christian/Christianity? You did use the expression "I am not a Bible banger" which could suggest this to be the case. You also used the term "religious dogma." What do you mean by "dogma?" Are you using it in the sense of a Biblical doctrine (teaching), and if so, are you referring to what you believe to be true or false doctrine? Maybe you could state if you are speaking about any particular "religious dogma."

Thank-you for any clarification that you might offer.

God Bless,


Re: Religious Dogma>>>God is not punishing you!

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 10:02 am
by NeverQuit
Speaking as a Christian, I know that I have developed some mis-beliefs about God over the years that are NOT what the Bible states to be true about God's character. These mis-beliefs have lead to me being fearful of judgment, sinning, etc. While I DO believe that God is absolutely Holy and that I am worthy of punishment, I also know from the Bible that God is Merciful and Compassionate toward me and ALL He has made, and wants NO ONE to perish but ALL to come to repentance. I know that He has forgiven ALL of my sins because of what He did on the cross for me, and I know that He has open arms toward all His creation and wants them ALL to know His love. :)

I have struggled in the past with feeling like I failed God, or being afraid of sinning. But God is working in my heart to remind me how vast and profound His love is, that He will never fail me, and that all my sins are gone through the blood of Jesus.

So I think much of what we believe about God is NOT based on what the Bible actually says, but on our own fears and insecurities and unrealistic expectations for ourselves. It takes work to work through this stuff, but it's so worth it, because God is NOT who our anxiety makes Him out to to be, or the unforgiving Person that we might have been taught He is.

Re: Religious Dogma>>>God is not punishing you!

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 10:50 am
God is not punishing us, we are punishing ourselves. He is a loving God and is just waiting for us to come to him, but he's not going to punish us now if we don't. That will happen when we all go before him on judgement day.

Re: Religious Dogma>>>God is not punishing you!

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 12:50 pm
by PhyllisNeri
I would rather say I am spiritual than to commit to any specific religion. I was born a Catholic and I follow Christ's word, but so do many others that were not born into a Christian religion. I believe in God. I believe I have a soul and that there is an afterlife. My comment was just to let others know that God is not punishing them for something they may have done. I used to think this. I do think there is a "higher being" that I can turn to in a time of need. I do believe I am here for a purpose even tho I may not know exactly what it may be yet. I think it is worth my while to explore what my purpose may be, even if it is just transient. Maybe my purpose is just to pass a good or comforting word to someone. I have lowered my expectations quite a bit. Would it be nice to win a Nobel Prize or Pulitzer Prize? Yes of course that would be wonderful, but its not probable. I really do believe some one may feel as if God or some higher being may be punishing them because of something they have done in the past. I was just wondering if anyone else felt this way. I used to but now I do not. I believe that my "higher" being is there for me to help me and not put any more undue pressure upon myself because life is hard enough without having to think that. I believe in free will and I just treat people the way I would likke to be treated. If I can I try to help others out even if it is just a kind word. Am I ever angry with someone? Of course I am! But I have accepted its just best to forgive others as well as myself. If i HAVENT MADE MY ISSUE CLEAR, LET ME KNOW AND i WILL REPOST. THANK...p sorry I am being rushed off the computer...

TO- NEVER QUIT Re: Religious Dogma>>>God is not punishing yo

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 10:40 am
by hacv6048
i really like what you said never quit, it is something that i would like to believe and keep in mind even if i didn't believe, which something i feel like i don't or that i'm confused, because i believe in something and i know that i fear GOD's wrath but i don't completely believe i think because i completely believe i think that i would give my life to it or it could just be that i could just be scared to give my life to something i don't completely know. either way i like what you said about God being good and not what "our insecurities, fears and misconceptions makes us believe about him" that alone is comforting, i want tothank you for posing that up because even if it is for a moment it brought and it brings and will bring the much needed and craved peace of mind and heart that i need and could use all the time, so thank you.

Re: Religious Dogma>>>God is not punishing you!

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 3:26 pm
by PhyllisNeri
To: NeverQuit: You have stated in words things that I feel I have left out and I thank you for your post, I feel your post complements my post and adds to it statements that I myself wish I included in mine. I guess we need to understand that we cannot really ever understand God, how could we? I understand how there can be many misinterpretations about God or our personal higher being and relationship with him/her. I have found that when I do read the Bible there are many passages that can be misinterpreted, sometimes to even the far opposite of what is really being tried to conveyed. There is, in fact, the inspiration I feel about the apostle Paul, and without getting too in depth about them I want to state that Paul wrote passages about God and Jesus while he was imprisoned and shackled. This inspires me deeply and helps me to increase my faith, that someone could be so holy to in fact write about and praise God even in the situation he is in. I am still quite new to interpreting the Bible, and I view it more as a history than the word of God at times. It can be very easy to misinterpret some of the passages. I am sure its has been translated from many different languages, some probably archaic. So when I do read it, I know that I cannot interrpret the writings literally. That is one reason I posted my original post, thinking that I am sure there are many people who do read it and interpret it literally. I felt that maybe some of the text was scaring people and misguiding them into thinking that God was an unforgiving unmerciful God. I do not believe this to be true, and only wanted to share this with others, in the fact: that God is NOT punishing us. I want to thank everyone who posted into this topic that I introduced, and I hope you will continue and comment. best regards,,,P

Re: Religious Dogma>>>God is not punishing you!

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 6:15 pm
by Nel01073
Thank you phyllisneri
I struggled with fear for a long time. I used to be so afraid of God and punishment that I would do everything with the fear of failing and sinning in Gods eyes. I guess I kind of knew I was exaggerating but I didnt know how to stop it. I am now doing better and I realized how God has done so many wonderful things in my life and I focus on those things too.

Re: Religious Dogma>>>God is not punishing you!

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 1:41 pm
by NeverQuit
I'm so glad that God is able to use my experiences to bless you guys, you have no idea what an encouragement that is to ME in my road to overcoming anxiety!

I think it's important when we read the Bible to hear EVERYTHING that God's Word says, rather than just what our anxiety wants to hear, which is what I was saying earlier about not letting our insecurities affect our beliefs about God. So when it says that God is absolute holiness and hates sin, we also need to remember that God is love, as the Bible also says, wants ALL to know His unconditional love for them, and has created a way for us to have a relationship with Him through His Son Jesus.

When I have times where I doubt God, or have anxiety, or am struggling with insecurities, I like to pray this passage from the Bible: "'But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.' ‘If you can’?” said Jesus. 'Everything is possible for one who believes.' Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, 'I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!'” Mark 9:22-24. This man was real with Jesus, and God accepted him right where he was at. At church a few weeks ago, the pastor was talking about faith and how God WANTS to convince us about Who He is! It was really powerful for me to hear. He used this story from Mark to show that after this man asked for help with his unbelief, Jesus went and healed his son. God WANTS to convince us. Just ask Him, and look for His little signs as you read His Word and go about your day. He is still working in me but as I look back, I can see where He has been right by my side all along, slowly and patiently answering my prayers.

Praying for all of us!

Re: Religious Dogma>>>God is not punishing you!

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 10:58 pm
by PhyllisNeri
I believe that God speaks to us in all ways, not only in the Bible. I try to think as I go through my day, try to observe things that come up in everyday life, and even dreams, that God is trying to give us "clues" and messages into what we may be missing or in which direction we should be going toward. A passage in a book, a sign we may see, some little thing we may hear, may be Gods way of nudging us into situations that we should be more actively addressing, or things we maybe should be paying more attention to. i tend to feel this in my gut. I am sure you will know what I mean. Something that comes about that you just cant forget, or just not let go, that stays with you for a while and makes you think, what is trying to be said to me here? I really dont question my belief system, just let go and let God. Today, and for a few days in a row, the Beatles song "Let it Be" was on the radio a few times. As today wasn't the greatest day in my life, I am going to just let the things that annoyed me go and Let it Be. Tomorow will be better. I just allow the door to God to remain open at all times, and know S/He doesn't "dish out" more than I can handle, and the bigger challenges are just opportunity for growth. Maybe what I just wrote doesn't really applly to the subject topic completely, I was compelled to post it anyway in case it may benefit anyone in any positive way......blessings, Phyllis