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Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 7:05 am
by KKross
It's been a stressful month, and I feel like I could sleep all day, but I've been doing a lot of sleeping the past few days. I really want to get to church today. My goal is to stop off at work to finish some things, get to the gym, and then get to church. I feel so worn out, but I really want to try. I don't my life to be nothing but work and sleep. I also want to show God that I am making an effort. I don't know if I'll make it, but I'm going to try.

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 7:57 am
by SilverLining
KKross, Go for it! Hope you are able to do all you have in your heart to do today. Let us know how you do. :)

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:23 pm
by KKross
Thanks for your thoughts, SilverLining. No, I didn't make it. I got to work and got rid of a lot of clutter, but I didn't accomplish my other two goals. My church is about 45 mins away by subway and services don't start until 7:30. I have been fighting fatigue for about a month now. However, I am not going to let this get me down. As Lucinda says, anything we do is a victory. I am taking steps to get my energy back, adn I will get back to my routine. I do plan to go to church Christmas Eve and then again on Sunday. I'm going to pray and ask God for strength.

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 2:08 pm
by SilverLining
Hi KKross,

First of all, congrats on what you did get accomplished! Second, WOW, your church is far away! I was out of church for over a year due to panic/anxiety and we just started going to one that is only about 10 minutes away. So far, we like it alot and I am glad that I have been able to go again.

You are so right in anything we do is a victory. Sometimes it's easy to look over the small steps we take at first and get frustrated with wanting to see more progress.

It's good that you are still planning on getting to church. You can build your relationship with God at home on a daily basis until you get to church. He will give you the strength that you need. Thanks for letting us know how your day went. I have been checking to hear back from you. Hang in there and keep taking those steps forward! :)

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 1:35 am
by flippinkid
Going to work then to the gym then to church was a lot for one day.
I am learning not to put too much on my plate in one day because I don't want to feel I have failed if I plan to do too much and then I'm too tired to do it all.
If you can plan to go to church when you don't have too much else going on, then you will make it I'm sure and when you get back home, you will realize that it wasn't so bad and you will want to go again.
God Bless