Group praying?

The spiritual response to anxiety and depression
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Post by cfe » Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:54 pm

Welcome KimEMT/Seeing clearly; you are #57, thank your for joining us, I love that verse, it reminds me how much God Loves us, each moment of the day.

Dear Ivyheart<><; you have been a member a while, and on my prayer list, My new daughter in law is a kindergtern teacher too! I will put your name in dubble, what a calling that is. Those littl hearts, are so open, yet so enerjetic. I can certainly see as a teacher how difficult it would be to stay steady. My daughter teaches 5th grade, and even then sending them home, is difficult, I tell both of them, to remember God gave those children to those parents for a reason, and you can only do so much, in a day, don't stress over what you have no controle over.

Fountains of Praise' by Joyce Meyer
If we will continue to ask God, if we will keep receiving His grace and power, we will be so amazed that we will always have a tale to tell about the marvelous things He is doing for us - things that we don't deserve. Our months will become fountains of oerflowing praise in recognition of the good things that the Lord is doing in our lives day by day. <span class="ev_code_RED">Blessed be the Lord, Who bears our burdens and carries us day by day, even the God Who is our salvation! - Psalm 68;18 AMP</span>

Heavenly Father, we are so blessed to have you watching after us, sending angels to watch over us, keeping us always in Your love. help us to never turn away from you, help us to keep our eyes on You, and seek you first as *D* said, "everything else will take care of itself" in the sweet name of Jesus we pray Amen

'Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option'.
"What you are is God's gift to you, and what you do with what you are is your gift to God" Too Blessed to be Stressed!!! May Grace and Mercy be multiplied to you.

Lord Help me to Finish Strong - COLOSSIANS 1:10-12

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Joined: Mon Feb 26, 2007 4:09 pm

Post by PVF » Tue Feb 27, 2007 5:42 am

I'm in, too. I won't be logging in, due to erratic schedule, but will pray myself at a preset time. I'm kind of a private Christian, but I do believe in prayer, but will uphold you all, and look forward to you upholding me. "Create in me a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within me.

Posts: 449
Joined: Tue Jul 04, 2006 10:39 am

Post by cfe » Tue Feb 27, 2007 6:24 am

Welcome PVF, that is Ok many of our members do not log in, but they check in you can see that in the Forum hits. You are on my prayer list #58 58 people praying for one anothers healing, that is Awsome.

Our preset time is 8:pm MT. I undersand the private Christian, I am too. I am glad to have you praying for our mutual freedom from this dis-ease. I love Psalms 51;10, certinly God can cresate in us a new heart, but we have to acept His gift, and walk it out in our lives, I have found that the hardest part. God Bless our walk in Jesus name Amen.

'Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option'.
"What you are is God's gift to you, and what you do with what you are is your gift to God" Too Blessed to be Stressed!!! May Grace and Mercy be multiplied to you.

Lord Help me to Finish Strong - COLOSSIANS 1:10-12

Posts: 449
Joined: Tue Jul 04, 2006 10:39 am

Post by cfe » Tue Feb 27, 2007 6:27 am

That is 8in the affternoon. I do not know why that littl green face is ther, even trying to edit it won't budge, it is cute, but not very informative. Meet you in our prayers.

'Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option'.
"What you are is God's gift to you, and what you do with what you are is your gift to God" Too Blessed to be Stressed!!! May Grace and Mercy be multiplied to you.

Lord Help me to Finish Strong - COLOSSIANS 1:10-12

Barb G.
Posts: 323
Joined: Wed Aug 30, 2006 11:00 am

Post by Barb G. » Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:38 am

My goodness you guys, how exciting to see more people all the time joining in for prayer. 58, like Cheri said, what a tremendous blessing. We will see great things on here and learn from God and each other. Only when we get to heaven and meet will we know the real power behind our prayers. I can hardly wait to meet each of you!

Prayer Req. Some of you have been praying about our housing situation. We got out of the contract on buying that home in our old neighborhood because we jumped way too fast. We didn't pray more or discuss it together. My hubby was concerned about the windows. His friend who would check for us is in Ecuador. We can always put in another offer and if it's meant for us, it will work. Just found out the house across the road was a foreclosure. It sold for $110,000. That would have gotten us out of debt completely. Well, it hasn't closed yet, if it's meant to be it could somehow be there for us when our home sells. God knows.

Also please pray for me when talking to my kids today. I need to use assertive behavior about things that happened and were said yest.while cleaning out his mom's apt. My husb. and I both have been hurt by our kids, we need the right words to express our pain. Fortunately Mike's mom is doing well in the nursing home and not even mentioning her apt. Thank you all for your prayers and prayer req. you have post here so I can pray specifically for you. Also join us on the Bible study "Battlefield of the Mind." Pray I can keep up with that thru everything that's going on now. Hard to get around with all the snow and now more is supposed to be coming!

Posts: 449
Joined: Tue Jul 04, 2006 10:39 am

Post by cfe » Tue Feb 27, 2007 4:55 pm

I am getting so tired I will be so glad when that last heifer has her calf and this midnight watch is over. I was asleep at 8; this evening, but I can pray now, and we can all use prayer at any time.

"Trusting God often requires not knowing how God is going to accomplish what needs to be done and not knowing when He will do it" by Joyce Meyer
<span class="ev_code_RED">In order that you may not grow disinterested and become [spiritual] sluggards, but imitatiors, behaving as do those who trough faith [by their leaning of the entire personality of God in Christ in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness) and by practice of patient endurance and waiting are (now) inheriting the promises. - Hebrews 6;12 AMP</span>

by practice of patient endurance and waiting... boy that is what I feel like I have been doing these past 5 years. just hanging on, waiting, for my turn. I am getting so anxious about it that it must be about to happen. I always get anxious thinking I must have missed the turn in the road just before it comes up. or thinking I must have gotten the time wrong just before the thing startes. I feel like that, now, I am believing it is because it is just before my healing, my calling comes. Some days like today I feel I am like the maden who has run out of oil just before the bride groom came. I am thankfull for this forum, it is helping me to fill my reserves, with the faith that I am OK, and on my way. in Jesys name I pray we are all OK and on our way. Awmen

'Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option'.
"What you are is God's gift to you, and what you do with what you are is your gift to God" Too Blessed to be Stressed!!! May Grace and Mercy be multiplied to you.

Lord Help me to Finish Strong - COLOSSIANS 1:10-12

Posts: 449
Joined: Tue Jul 04, 2006 10:39 am

Post by cfe » Wed Feb 28, 2007 5:47 pm

I am late again tonight, I was helping my husband with his meeting material, for the Zoneing board, he is working on stopping this environmental bunch from buying our County and turning it in to a grassland park witch they proposed in their membership magazine last yaer. Aggriculture is beeing attacted from many diffrent directions these days.

Tonight I am praying for our our way of life. The multi billon airs could very eaisly buy all of us out of here, and put in a gulf cours if they wanted to.

Who will rais the food for our tables, Mexico? what is happening? to comon since in this country. My brothers job making Dayton tires just moved to Mexico, not for the cheeper labor although my brother was making more money an hour than any man is worth. he had the job for 26 years with a rais every year. the last time I knew what he was making it was $26. an hour and that was years ago. but it isn't the labor they move for; it is the lack of EPA regulations. the indiginous tribes in the Rain Forist are blocking progress of oil drilling in the rainforest because of the polution from the American Oil companyes now. Those bussinesses that can are raping the world for the needs in this country! But in this country the EPA regulates us out of business, and the imported food is bearly regulated at all. ecoly is found in hamberger, because it was contaminated, in the packing plant when it was ground and packaged, there is no ecoli in roasts or steakes, the American press tells us it is a sorce related problem, and we the producers of the animal are charged a fee to protect the production of beef in America, what a farce. Now ecoly is found in ***** juice, and spinich and they still want to blame the cattle. Salminilla has killed more people than ecoli ever has, and now they have found that in penutbutter, who is contaminating our food? not the producers, it is the manufactors, predominently maned by illeagle aliensm Mexico has Ecoly in their water, they live or dey with it every day, they are emune to it. thay have pushed out our people with their liberty to speak their language in the workplace, believe me a young english speaking child had better not take a job in a meat packing plant, nothing but spanis is spoken, on the butcher floor and they have knives. Very dangerous, unsafe working conditions for an english speaking person. it is not a low paying job either, starting wage is $11. an hour with benifits. I have never seen that kind of wage. That is why they think they can buy us here in the lowest income county in the nation, we are working 18 hours a day this month during calving, and our pay check depends on the Comodity market the day we take our cattle to the sale barn, some years that is less than opperating expenses, and others it is a bit highter but wehn the price of beef goes up in the stores, "Oh those cattle barons are digging in to our pockets. can you believe the price of a steak!" when they buy our cattle, by the lb. steakes are no higher than hamberger, and we have to pay the fraight coming and going. well enough of my story. just venting a little sorry. Now the minimum wage is going up for everyone but us again! making the price of everything higher as always.

Tonight I am reading the Joyce Meyers calender, "Followed by Goodness and Mercy,
"Regret of the past and dread of the future are both theives of joy. Begin right now to say, "I've got a future, and there's hope for me. God is on my side. No matter how many dissapointments I have had in the pst, this is a new day. Goodness and mercy are following me today." by Joyoce Mener <span class="ev_code_RED">Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. - Psalm 23;6 KJV</span>

The 23 Psalm, defines my days, I concider it my marching orders every mornig. I am living by it. I am getting excited now! what will God do to get us through this attack on agriculture! Having done all we can, I am watching to see what God will do. We have been going to seminars put on my theses groopes, and calling them on their short sitedness, and I think it is working they have retracted their goal oriented artical on buying the County publicly, and fired the editor of their magazine so far. It's all good.

I pray for your jobs, and way of life! may it bring your Joy! and Blessings in the name of Jesus Awmen

'Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option'.
"What you are is God's gift to you, and what you do with what you are is your gift to God" Too Blessed to be Stressed!!! May Grace and Mercy be multiplied to you.

Lord Help me to Finish Strong - COLOSSIANS 1:10-12

Barb G.
Posts: 323
Joined: Wed Aug 30, 2006 11:00 am

Post by Barb G. » Thu Mar 01, 2007 4:11 am

Cheri, It's OK you vented. Maybe some of us needed to hear that. Shall we picket the beef section in the supermarket? JK! I'm seeing it here too. People are giving up farming and raising horses instead. My husband said what's going on, you don't see cattle much but more and more horse. My son is taking care of 10 right now for a woman truck driver who's rarely home.

You and your 23rd Psalm, just remember, we're all part of the staff! I love that when you say that. Just as you give great advice so often, so are we here for you. God does work all things for good. The problems we've been having with our kids? Well, God used my son-in-law to come talk to my hubby and I individually. He said he will talk to our daughter and son as well. I believe he is a peacemaker. He admitted that his relationship with us has been shallow. I need to pray more and shut my mouth. I need to do that with more things in my life. Our housing situation I believe God is speaking to me about Abraham "who knew not where he was going." God has told me many times to stop trying to figure it out. I guess real trust is trusting Him to sell this place for a right price and believing He already knows the place, which He does. So what if we don't? I guess he'll reveal it when it's time to move, right? I am making a decision to try once again to post the lesson on "Battlefield of the Mind". I asked you Cheri and also Ivyheart if you'd be willing to do a lesson but I need to learn to complete the task. I was so overwhelmed yesterday with all my mother-in-laws stuff here beside our bsmt.full and knowing our home is on the mkt. now and someone could call to see it. Just stressing. Well,they can explain the situation. Stuff, stufff, I think most of us have too much. I think I'm freaking out because after going thru all her drawers and closets I think OMG what will they all find in mine? Such a mess. I want to learn to be better organized so I can be FREE. Freedom is worth the price. Keeping you all in prayer. Hope you're not snowed in. We're gonna be snowed in or sleeted in or blown in! :D

Barb G.
Posts: 323
Joined: Wed Aug 30, 2006 11:00 am

Post by Barb G. » Thu Mar 01, 2007 4:12 am


Barb G.
Posts: 323
Joined: Wed Aug 30, 2006 11:00 am

Post by Barb G. » Thu Mar 01, 2007 4:14 am

Sorry, didn't mean to hit the post button yet. I saw a neat thing about the word dance. Check out the word GUIDANCE. I love this. God u and i dance. When I dance with God he leads. If I lead, we're in trouble. OK 'ya all gotta keep dancin' :cool:

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