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Fear of Vomiting + Nauseated because of using the Restroom??

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 5:12 pm
by Tristyh
Hello Everyone,
I am new to this program and will try anything to try and get rid of my anxieties and panic attacks along with agoraphobia, emetophobia, and little bit of depression.
It all started when I was 17, in 2009. I had vomited for no apparent reason, (I never gotten sick with the stomach flu before), and ever since then I have been feeling nauseated most days and when I do I start to get my attacks and scary thoughts that I am going to get sick again?! has anyone been through this? I know it sounds very silly and childish, but for me its very real and I'm very afraid of getting sick. Since this year of 2014 has so many new viruses out there and just accruing more and more each day, it terrifies me. Each day goes by and I am very dissapointed in myself because I cannot handle a job because of my feelings and attacks. That is my goal to start my career life as a human service professional and or social working, in that type of area and I cant because I am terrified I will get something out there or I will get sick like I did before out in public. I cannot stop these unnecessary thoughts I have about getting sick and feeling sick. I do believe that most of my feelings of severe nauseating is from anxiety, and some is from what I eat. I just would like to know if anyone out there has similar feelings or even just dealing with anxiety and or panic attacks is fine too. I am just trying my best to stay strong, any advice ? or just conversations..