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SEVERE Anxiety Over Stomach

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 10:09 pm
by Swede11
I really appreciate any feedback!!

I have been getting stomach aches ever since I was a little girl. The doctor's have told me it's IBS, but none of the stomach medications seem to work for me. Basically, I get awful gas and cramps. I feel like I need to go to the bathroom, but a lot of the time, I can't go. I even start to get anxious when I have to pee...I hate being in the bathroom. I feel that almost all of my anxiety is centered around my stomach. I worry about my stomach hurting constantly. I know we are told that nothing horrible happens because of an anxiety attack, but with mine, I can work myself up into debilitating pain with my stomach. It's been so bad that I have had to go to the ER and get put on morphine IV's a couple of times. Sometimes it hurts so bad I am afraid I can't live in such pain anymore. I am at the age where I want to start having kids, but I get anxious and worried that I won't be able to handle being pregnant. I eat a healthy diet, I've read all the books about IBS, and nothing seems to help except anxiety medication...which can constipate me, and makes me feel incoherent. Any ideas? Please!

Re: SEVERE Anxiety Over Stomach

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:16 pm
by LemmyPJS
are you lactose intolerant? try eliminating dairy for a while. Have you been tested for food allergies?

Log what you eat, try beano, gasx etc

Buy or borrow the book "Hope and Help for your nerves" buy Dr. Weekes... good chapter about body issues and how to work to eliminate stress-related body issues. Some of StressCenter program seems to be based on this book.

Re: SEVERE Anxiety Over Stomach

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 4:01 pm
by ahandschke
I do not know if you're still around but I could copy and paste your entry because my story is the same. I have also been to the ER and had a CT scan. Nothing showed. I have finally decided to have a colonoscopy- my doctors says to end my worry. I am new to the program and have noticed that it is happening. Also I took a dosha test on-line that was very interesting. It is homepathic medicine. I am a Vata which describes me to a tee. It has recommendations for food to help with digestion difficulties which are common with vatas. I really think this program is the key though but a little dietary help would be good.