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Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 3:35 pm
by rodneydeeeee
I am a 23 year old male. When I was 14, I started off with gas problems. I found myself often not being able to hold it like most others. This affected how I was in school, meetings, moods, as well as many others. As time progressed, problems got worse, it started to happen more often. By the age of 16, I dropped out of school because I could no longer endear the embarrasement it caused me. At the time, I was very insecure about this and hadn't discussed this with anyone. I was at this stage till right around 18 years old.

Then the next stage kicked in. I got to the point to where I could no longer take trips, go into meetings with people I didn't know, because I instantly had fears of having an accident. I thought it couldn't get any worse. Boy was I wrong. It was only the beginning.

I'll skip till where I am now. I am now 23, 9 years since I first noticed any problems. I will no longer leave my house unless it is within 5 minutes or to the hospital which I have been forced to go many times due to this. I have tried every diet. I have seen over 10 doctors (GI) and family practioners. I have had many tests done, i.e. colonsopy, small bowel series, upper, lower gi, etc... No one can find anything. I do not work because I get serverly sick.

I can handle the bathroom, gas problem, etc... What happens to me now is *_SEVERE SEVERE_* stomach cramps, pains, acid, etc... Sometimes I just want to fall over and die. The only minor relief I get is to sit in a hot bath tub to calm my stomach. Bentyl doesn't really work for me. The only med if at all that works for a few minutes is Mylanta, but I can't overdose on that. It only works for a few minutes.

My life is horrible now. I am always grouch with my family. I sleep 12-15 hours a day so I don't have to face these problems all day. I no longer see family or go to family gatherings because of this. Due to not having a job, I have no insurance. I can not step foot into a doctors office without having $100.00 to give them for the visit.

I have run out of answers. I am desperately looking for help as I can no longer live like this.

Anything you advise, *_please please_* help me out.

I thank you sooo much.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 3:52 am
by Isaiah41:10
Hey rodney, sorry to hear you're going through this. I don't get severe stomach cramps, but my mom used to and it's about how you described. The pain would bring her to her knees it was so bad. It turned out she had a gal bladder infection and had to have it removed. She is 100% better after having that operation. It sounds like you've had a lot of tests done, but if they never looked at your gal bladder you might check into it. Other than that, one thing that has helped me is taking multi vitamins, multi minerals, and a pro biotic. I also cut out dairy (except whey protein), all grains and sugar from my diet for a month. I've since added grains and a little bit of sugar back in, but I've noticed a positive effect and my stomach doesn't bother me as much. You might want to try it. Good luck.

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 3:45 am
by JanVaughan
I have had your exact same problem for 17 years..I didn't leave my house for 2 years with fear of having an accident..I have found hope...I found a clinic that was cheap like $35 office visit.I told them i was diagnosed with IBS and needed something to help me not have constant diarreah and severe stomach pains...It might work for you...It is called Anaspaz...I take one in the morning and right before i eat..Plus I take 2 immodium in the morning....If i get constipated I take milk of magnesia...Omg it has given me my life back...I have a full time job now and I am not afraid of the gas, diarreah or pain..It might work or it mght not but it did work for me..Good luck nd I hope you find a solution to your problem

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 4:42 am
by Mary Wargo
I was also going to mention gallbladder problems like Isaiah did. I had very similar symptoms- pain, cramps, and digestion problems for years and had every test they could think of and they still couldn't figure out what it was, so they just labeled it IBS. I was also put on Bentyl and it didn't work. Levsin also-same result. I finally had a gallbladder emptying test done and found my gallbladder was not working right, but I had no gallstones. I had the gallbladder removed and it solved the problem.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 6:05 am
by Gamer4Life
I would suggest keeping a food diary..I had stomach problems for a long time until I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease a few years ago..before the diagnosis, I felt very similiar to your symptoms. Celiac Disease is basically being allergic to Wheat Flour which is in a lot of foods. I would feel terrible most of the day because I did not realize I was hurting my intestines by eating Wheat Flour. I lost about 20 pounds prior to being diagnosed. Your issue may not be Wheat related, but a food Diary may help you figure out if certain foods are bothering you. Good Luck