does anyone have a fear of not being near a bathroom?

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Post by bambino » Mon Jun 09, 2008 7:51 am

Yah I have that fear too....I'm afraid I'll eat something that will set me off and I'll have to travel home afterwards in a panicked stated. I eat out with alot of caution. Then sometimes I think what if the bathrooms are all occupied, what then? Man, its endless isn't it? Can't wait to get started on this program.

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Post by bambino » Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:24 am

Speaking about eating out...last night i went to a friend's house for dinner. Usually I eat light so as not to encourage any stomach problems, but they prepared the dinner especially for our anniversary and it was so good that i ate more than usual. I felt fine for the most part but then as I started to think about the drive home, I got anxious. I used the bathroom twice before leaving but was still very anxious. And wouldn't you know it, a few minutes after leaving we got lost! This normally is a total nightmare, but although i just got the program and haven't started session one yet, I practiced the breathing technique outlined for us and also the positive talk and I actually was able to calm myself down. Shocking! Normally I would have really freaked out. I have to say I was really happy about the outcome of that ride home and especially that it didn't ruin the night for me.

Laura V
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Post by Laura V » Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:43 am

Even though I've been with the program for sometime now and on meds and actually have made some milestones, my fear is today. It's Father's day and my husband has been nagging to go out on a boat. He even got his boating license so we can rent a small boat and go out but the boat doesn't have a bathroom and he's talking about going out for at least 2 hrs. He knows I have IBS and I don't want to ruin his day by bringing up my fear so I keep praying it will rain today like they said it would but so far nothing.

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Post by bambino » Sun Jun 15, 2008 6:22 pm

Wow, I'm nervous just reading that.....I used to go out on boats for hours w/out bathrooms but now forget it. Of course I know I'll eventually be able to do that again. I have an upcoming trip and I have to make a 6 hour drive from Phoenix to LA....long stretches of nothing between the 2 cities. I'm working hard on this program so I'll be able to use the tools learned here to deal with that trip. Hope your day went ok!

Laura V
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Post by Laura V » Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:32 am

I talked my husband out of the boat trip since there was still the possibility of a thunderstorm. So, I was safe this weekend. I guess I'm just going to have to get over it. I used to always go on boat trips and if I can conquer this then it will be another milestone. That's what's really important; to pat yourself on the back for even the smallest conquer you make. I started with driving longer and longer distances and now I love driving again. I also am doing much better on eating out. Of course expect some setbacks but don't get frustrated just make sure you don't let it stop you from continuing to go forward. I turned my truck in my personal serenity space; put little pictures of my family, little things that meant something that I could focus on if I started getting anxious and of course my favorite music. Good luck on your trip; you can do it!

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Post by bambino » Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:57 am

Thanks Laura, that's great you've made so much progress. I'm starting session 2 today, which I have mixed emotions about I guess. On the one hand, I've very excited because panic attacks are the #1 thing I want to put a stop to. On the other hand I'm sort of afraid that it won't work for me, so I almost don't want to begin. lol. But I'm going to start it today and try to think positively and really dig into it, and I'm sure it will work out ok. As far as the trip goes, I've made it a number of times before so I'll be ok I'm sure. Its never as bad as you make it out to be once you're in the situation.

Laura V
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Post by Laura V » Thu Jun 19, 2008 11:21 am

Well, if you've made this trip before then you should make it like a game and play "I spy" with yourself and each 10 or so mile markers you've passed without problems think of the next 10 you'll pass. You should be just fine.
P.S. I haven't heard the word "bambino" since I was a little bambino myself. Are you Italian?

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Post by bambino » Fri Jun 20, 2008 5:44 am


Yah that is a good idea, I'll give it a shot. I started the program yesterday and now I'm trying to make a plan of how I'm going to start challenging myself again and using the steps when and if the panic comes. This is tough stuff! haha.

Yes I'm Italian/ of my friends gave me that nickname when I was younger and it stuck.

Garden Gal
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Post by Garden Gal » Tue Jun 24, 2008 6:06 am

One of the main reasons this program has helped me is listening/reading about folks just like me! I know how you all feel. I just did a plane trip across country. We were stuck on the runway for an hour due to weather delays. I listened to the relaxation CD that I downloaded onto my Ipod. It's not really made for that situation, but it was still effective. Hmmm... maybe there should be an audio clip specifically for traveling? Focusing on slowing down my breathing helped. I also eat only a very small amount of food on days that I fly (like a few crackers and only water). The IBS is still a big issue for me, but at least I have some tools to deal with it.

Laura V
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Post by Laura V » Tue Jun 24, 2008 10:54 am

What bothers me is that for the past few months I have been keep a food journal and also a journal of my moods and STILL get an IBS attack at least once a week for no apparent reason. I got one on Sunday, came out of now where but at least I was home. I had taken a mid-term exam the day before and knew I did really well on it (actually got the grade back and it was a 98) My husband and I, who had the worst fight ever and even considered separating, made up Saturday night so I was at total peace but woke up Sunday morning with horrible gas pains and BAM! IBS all day! The only thing that gets me through those days is knowing that it's just one day, I'm not going to die and I'll be fine the next.

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