does anyone have a fear of not being near a bathroom?

Suffering from IBS? Post your history, experience, comments and/or suggestions
Laura V
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Post by Laura V » Tue Jun 24, 2008 10:54 am

What bothers me is that for the past few months I have been keep a food journal and also a journal of my moods and STILL get an IBS attack at least once a week for no apparent reason. I got one on Sunday, came out of now where but at least I was home. I had taken a mid-term exam the day before and knew I did really well on it (actually got the grade back and it was a 98) My husband and I, who had the worst fight ever and even considered separating, made up Saturday night so I was at total peace but woke up Sunday morning with horrible gas pains and BAM! IBS all day! The only thing that gets me through those days is knowing that it's just one day, I'm not going to die and I'll be fine the next.

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Post by thebudguy12 » Sat Jul 12, 2008 5:16 am

Hi all, I'm currently 18 and have had IBS for about a year. I have had the fear of not being near a bathroom as well, if I'm going on a stretch of road that I know doesn't have a bathroom. I'm finally going to the doctor about it on Monday, to hopefully find some fix for this problem. I'm trying to stay positive, and I am looking to solve this at all costs. My biggest thing is to make sure to find a cure or a solid solution to the problem. This is something I do not want to live with the rest of my life, and plan to not have to deal with this a year from now. Is this possible, has anyone overcome their problem?

Laura V
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Post by Laura V » Sat Jul 12, 2008 10:12 am

I'm so sorry you've been stricken with IBS at such a young age. My first bad episodes started when I was 30 after a major anxiety attack, after that the anxiety and IBS have been with me since and even though I've altered my diet and exercise more it only helps a little however, my problem is genetic and also I have always had a lot of stress. Unfortunately, at this time there is no CURE for IBS only medicines and things you can do to lessen the onsets. Depending on your currents issues; depression, anxiety, stress, etc. and working on that is the a very good way to help alleviate the IBS. You didn't really say what type of IBS you had; diarrhea or constipation or both. For many, adding more fiber to your diet helps but add gradually otherwise you could make your symptoms worse. Most Americans don't consume enough fiber in our diets anyway so look for breads and foods that say 3grams of fiber per serving or more. Drink lots of water too once starting to increase your fiber. Need more info on exactly what your IBS is like to give more advice. Good luck!

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Post by thebudguy12 » Sun Jul 13, 2008 4:39 am

You know, to be fair to myself, my IBS actually started in freshmen year of high school. For 2 years I had the constipation problem, and took miralax like there was no tomorrow. Then my junior year it turned to being a diarrhea problem, and that's what it is to this day. I don't have it super severely, but like, enough to disrupt what I want to do. The problem is this: my head screams "Oh my God! Oh my God! There's no bathroom for 10 miles, what do I do?," then this anxiety goes to my intestines, which makes them go nuts, continuously contracting because of the nervousness, causing diarrhea. I'm nervous because I have diaherra, and I have diaherra because I'm nervous. It's a vicious cycle.

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Post by blavoie44 » Thu Jul 17, 2008 8:42 am

budguy- your nervousness is not going to your intestines, it is going to your stomach which is the epicenter of causing things to start happening in your digestive system which leads to your bowels turning which there is usually bloating involved before a released pressure which in the end is you going to the bathroom. And yes your brain is somewhat in control of that because of the anxiety. I have the same situation but have had it since I was 10 and I am now 22. Eating foods that you know will trigger a stomach issue is a no no obviously, so try sticking to healthier foods like laura v said that are high in fiber as well as drinking plenty of water usually around 4 8 ounce glasses of wet stuff should be suffice, that will help you lessen the stress in your bowels and releive the bloating feeling so when your anxiety does decide to trigger again, the bloating might come but should subside alot easier if you keep up with your fiber and water each day, and try some probiotics at night before you go to bed to keep your bowel movements more regular. Most people with IBS have an overgrowth of bad bacteria inside their intestines which makes them more susceptible of being sick then others. Think happy thoughts too, be nice to yourself, its a big help with the anxiety part.

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Post by thebudguy12 » Sat Jul 19, 2008 3:28 pm

Thanks pal, it sucks. It just appears to be all in my brain, and like, the more I think about it, the worse it gets. I only have the diarrhea problems when I'm going somewhere, so I dunno. I just went to the doctor about it, and he prescribed me Zoloft. I was reading some bad stuff about it, have any of you all had an experience with it?

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Post by JoJo1079 » Tue Jul 22, 2008 10:40 am

WOwwwwwwww- i can NOT believe how all of you are totally singing my tune! SNJ, Bella,Blondie, Kimberley, tresgatos, I mean all of you. Its just crazy. I am 28 and only started being like this around age 25ish so I do not have the same experiences from undergrad. I got to lesson 4 or 5 and was feeling so great that I stopped. Bad mistake. I live in NJ and travel into NYC everyday by path train, ferry or I make my husband drive me in when I just swear that I will "mess myself". I am actually messing up advancement in my career bc I come in late, ( I get off the train, then back on, etc..) and not going to meetings that I am invited to bc I have a fear of being stuck in a conference room with all these big wigs and having to leave every monring to go to the ladies room! I did nto take the train for years bc I was too afraid and these lessons helped, but I really have to get back into it bc I am awful lately. I do not want it to rule me but it does. I am trying to get pregnant and between the xanax I need to take to get through the most simple things and the stress itself..I swear this is ruining my health and stopping me form getting pregnant. I wonder how am I going to do to disney and wait on lines with my child??? I do nto understand why these thoughts never crossed my mind before age 25- i never cared about a thing and now I am ruled by it. How do we get through this?????

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Post by blavoie44 » Fri Jul 25, 2008 3:57 am


Trying to deal with the anxious feelings inside your head starts off by doing the program and really working it to get the best benefit out of it. The amount of work you put into it is the amount that you will get out of it. This program is designed to make these fears diminish if not disappear! You just have to keep positive thinking about it and tell yourself that IT IS going to work! The more positive you are the more positive your future will be with the long term effects from it! Giving up is not an option! Try not to resort to immodium, alcohol, etc. as something that will make these feelings disappear when you are traveling, by doing this you are not proving anything to yourself in the long run and will only further the battle of those fears that you have. It is not easy but such is life! Keep your head up and remember that you are not alone! You have a whole world of people with the same problems as you and keep that also in mind when you are getting anxious, know that you are NOT the only one with this battle! We are an army and we will fight this enemy, big or small, until it is defeated! Good luck JoJo!

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Post by JoJo1079 » Fri Jul 25, 2008 6:20 am

Thanks so much for the words of encouragement. I will be sure to keep them all in my head as my mind starts to take over my body. It is certainly comforting to know i am not alone bc you start to feel crazy and helpless! I was thinking to download these all to my ipod so I can listen as I am on the ferry or train to calm myself down. Has anyone done this? Has it worked for you? Thankd Again!!

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Post by thebudguy12 » Tue Aug 05, 2008 6:46 pm

I've got a question for you all. How do we know that this is IBS and not purely anxiety. To be honest, for me, whenever I have to drive to work, or go around town, I'm fine. I have normal bowel movements, and everything is peachy. However, if I know that I'm going to be going somewhere far away where there may not be a bathroom, I freak out, and then I have diaherra. Perhaps the biggest problem recently, is that this is all I have been thinking about. I'm afraid to see a psychologist or get a program because that is just consession that it isn't going away. Can someone shed some light on I have IBS, or just rough panic attacks/anxiety, which causes the diaherra?

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