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Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:17 pm
by livelife
hi everyone, i'm supposed to be doing session 9 this week but i stopped doing the program last week since i went on a mini vacation with my family. It was great but also felt like i needed to keep going with the program so i started again this week on tuesday or wednesday session 8 again! and also completed the work in the workbook since i had not last week which was not very good :/
but hopefully what i am doing is fine. or should i start back up from another lesson for it to stick to me again or is this ok?
well hope everyone is having a great week!
God bless! <3


Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:59 pm
by garyhermesch52
I would suggest trying to go through all the material from each session at least twice before you move on (except maybe the
DVD on the TV, which I usually only watch once per session), before you move on. Then I normally don't worry about whether
I think I 'got' it all or not, because at least I know I was exposed to it a couple of times. I think the important thing is to not skip around too much, because they mentioned at the beginning of the program that it is like building a bridge, and if you skip some parts the bridge may not turn out as good. Actually, when I get through the program I plan on going back and
going through at least most of it again sometime in the future to sort of fill in things that I may not have gotten yet completely. Good luck!