What if I run out of money?

Is your day fraught with worry about something that may (or may not) happen? Stop imagining and anticipating the worst and learn the amazing rewards of living in the moment.
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Post by SCDon » Tue Oct 07, 2008 3:20 am

I am stuck on session 8. Life has been hectic the last few weeks, and I feel ok so I guess I just took a break that has gotten longer.
So, in an effort to get back on track, I submit one of my biggest fears. "What if" I don't get a job soon that will pay my bills and I run out of money?
God says He will provide my needs, and He does.
I have only had a couple of jobs my whole life that I was glad I was doing. I don't believe I have ever earned more than $30,000 a year in my life. Many years, I have only earned between $15,000 - $20,000. I have been unemployed a few times and I only have a part-time job at this time.
I have received a lot of support and friendship from many people here and I thank you all for being so kind.


Post by Guest » Tue Oct 07, 2008 3:52 am

Hi Don,

You know my husband has been through so much in the past 10 years or more with jobs. I kept telling him that he will get a great job again everytime a plant closes ( there have been 3 so far ) he has been lucky enough to find something to get through and then a good job come along just when it's truly needed, and always has. Keep the faith and just know that a really great job will be there for you when it's the right time. Picture in your mind that you are already working at that (perfect) job for you..it may surprise you what happens. Just when we think it can't get better ..it always does.

God Bless,
Best Of Luck!!!!!!!!!


Post by Guest » Tue Oct 07, 2008 4:56 am

trust in god that thinks will get better my husband is also out of work right now which is bad but i pray every day that he will find one and things will get better you will be in my prayers and good luck


Post by Guest » Tue Oct 07, 2008 5:45 am

Hi SCDon - I know this might be a difficult time right now to practice this, but try some of the positive what ifs. The negative what ifs will scare you (I'm sure you already know this by now). I've had to really work hard at this right now, as I've lost a lot of money recently with the decline in stocks. This was part of my income, and the negative what ifs have been creeping in and are trying to take over. Every time you have a negative what if ("what if I run out of money") try countering this with "what if I find a job I like?" or "what if something comes up and I don't run out of money?" We really have to get ourselves to acknowledge the fact that positive things can happen. I wish you luck.

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Post by Jennifermomof5 » Tue Oct 07, 2008 6:03 am

Hey SCDon,

I can relate to what you are going through. But keeping the faith and positive attitude does make a difference. I can remember being in the military back in the 80's and making about 7-10k a year. I use to think things would never get better, but they did and always do. You just have to keep telling yourself that things will get better. Sounds like you have a great support system in your family and friends. Just by having them, you are a rich man. Remember, money truely can't buy happiness and love. And by having those two, you will always feel fullfilled in life. Good luck...


Post by Guest » Wed Nov 05, 2008 2:10 am

Hi all: I have been worrying about money now for quite some time. I am bipolar, many ups and downs. I work at a hospital per diem now, as last December I had a break down. During the year I have been working a lot, which has been great! However, there are not a lot of per diem shifts available right now.

My husband is working, thank God, but there have been quite a few lay offs at his work and I am worrying but keeping it all to myself, which is a big NO NO!

I understand what you are going through. I'm not sure if you are religious but I pray everyday that I am thankful for him providing the needs of our family. The wants are a whole different matter, but have been put on the back burner so to speak.

Please try to stop the "what if" thinking. I too have a serious problem with the "what if" thinking.

Take care! EBNB


Post by Guest » Wed Nov 05, 2008 2:36 pm

I guess most of us have money worries these days-for me it's whether we will have enough money to live on when my husband retires. We have very little saved for an emergency much less retirement.I am 53 and he is 54 and I'm finally realizing that we should be saving as much as possible but I fear it will be too little too late.
We have been watching Joel Osteen on Sunday evenings on TBN andwe find his message to be very uplifting. He often tells us to "expect the best"always and that if we don't expect good things in life, we won't get them. He says God wants us to expect good things in life and even in bad times we should expect things to get better and they will!! I always feel better about things after I've watched him. He has a wonderful sense of humor andhe is so passionate in his beliefs. I am not normally one to watch TBN but I do really love his message and I'm always smiling when the show is over. Maybe those of you who are worried about money might want to check out the program some Sunday evening and see if you feel more uplifted and less worried after watching and listening to Joel.


Post by Guest » Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:07 am

I'm in this boat too. Currently my fiance is not working and I am supporting us both with my customer service job. The last few weeks have been particularly tight. We were supposed to make a trip home and paid over $300 for the plane tickets then were going to drive back with a friend who was going to move in with us. He already had a job set up so I was very excited about some of the financial pressure being relieved. Well, he bailed on us, so not only are we out the $300+ but I'm still alone in carrying the financial burden.

For several months after moving my fiance and I were fighting over money on a weekly, sometimes daily basis. I never thought I would be someone who fought about money in my relationship.

This program has helped tremendously. I am learning not to stress out so much about the money. As so many have said before, miraclously it just seems to work out in the nick of time.

But I will admit, it is hard not to feel like failures. We both left good paying jobs and both had health insurance to move across the country so he could pursue his dream of being a musician (which, amazing, looks like it may work out...just is taking a long time to get to the money making part of it). Now I can make ends meet, but when emergencies and unexpected things (like his van broke down and my car needs to go into the shop) come up I do feel stress.

Also, when my co-workers and family are continually asking if my fiance has found work and I say 'no' I can see the look in their faces and hear the disappointment in their voices. As you know, we all have a tendency to look to others for approval, so hearing all that negativity behind their voices (or blantly) makes me feel like a failure even in my relationship.

The lessons on positive thinking and tossing out other peoples' shoulds for my life has really helped. But you simply can't deny all emotions and sometimes I'm just plain stressed out those few days before my next paycheck and wondering if Mike will ever find a job.

But this is part of faith, if you are a believer in a higher power. Faith that the decisions you have made will be the right ones. Faith that you are using all the talents God gave you towards the right goals. Trusting that we are just where we should be in life. Sometimes it helps to think of life as an adventure novel (or movie). Let's be excited about all this uncertainty...after all suspense and mystery are essential components of a great story :)


Post by Guest » Thu Nov 13, 2008 1:41 pm

Worrying about money is a waste of time. A financial planner would suggest an emergency fund but it sounds like its already too late for that.Your friends and relatives care about you. You can have a dream but make sure you are caring for yourself.

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Joined: Tue Dec 13, 2005 7:44 pm

Post by h.beth » Sat Nov 22, 2008 9:46 am

Hi SCDon,

Like you, this is one of my biggest triggers. It all goes back to money. What if my husband gets hurt and can't work and we have no money? What if my daughter's speech therapy costs too much and we can't afford it, will she have to stop? What if I can't pay the mortgage? The list goes on and on.
I know you are scared. This world IS a scary place right now.

To me though, as someone who is looking in on your situation, I think you are doing a GREAT job! You always manage to find a way to make it work out and I am confident that you will again!

Keep the faith, trust in yourself.

Good luck!

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