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Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 4:15 am
by SweetiePie

I didn't purchase the program yet. I am suffering from what I believe is OCD. I am constantly worried that I will get some terrible illness like rabies, tetanus, swine flu etc. Every day is like a horror movie. What if my husband dies,what if he is choking somewhere at work, got into a car accident and etc. I have to check on him numerous times during the day. Last night was horrible. I had nightmares. Panic attacks. Fears. Crazy thoughts that I am going crazy. And this morning I still have panic attacks. Could hardly get ready for work.
I was considering purchasing the program a few years ago but didn't. And now I really think I need help. But my question is does it really help. If anyone had similar symptoms and was able to get better with the program please respond. I would really like to hear your stories.


Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 4:45 am
by Dianne Radford
I also have ocd. I got the program for a 30 day free trial. I am unsure if it will help. But a free session with a coach came with it. I just got off the telephone with her. It was helpful. Also go to and take the test. I was offered a free 21 day program. Don't let the ocd torment you like it is. Does the program work? I don't know for sure if it will work for me. But my husband wanted me to try it. I do know that the coach was helpful. Are you on medication or see a counselor? You don't have to answer that. I am giving the program a try for a while to see. It seems to be helpful. The coach was very helpful. Dianne

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 5:41 am
by Christian73
Sweetie -

First, go see a psychiatrist or therapist. You need to know if you actually have OCD or some other anxiety disorder. The techniques used to treat OCD versus other disorders can be different, so you want to be sure you're treating the right disorder.

Second, I have done parts of the program and found it very helpful. I do the online version, so I don't have to carry CDs around with me. Regardless of your particular anxiety issues, Lucinda provides a lot of tips and tools to assist you in getting back your life.

Best of luck to you!

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 5:48 am
by Etta Blair
Hello Dianne, my name is Etta. I have had the program for about 3 weeks. I have OCD also, and I have found that it's helping me somewhat. But its been only a short time. The relaxation tape helps me most right now. So, please hang in there a while. It's been hard, but I believe it really works. God bless your husband for being concerned about you.

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 3:44 pm
by determined75
Sweetie Pie,

I also have OCD and have suffered for many years. I have just started seeing a therapist and he suggested that I read the book Brain Lock by Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz it has really helped me. I suggest that you get a therapist that knows how to treat OCD. I am just beginning what is known as Exposure & Response therapy it is hard but WE CAN DO IT!!!!!! I will keep you in my prayers may God Bless You!

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 7:48 pm
by Deener
Hi..I just wanted everyone to know that this program WORKS!! It isn't miracle cure, you don't get better overnight, but it teaches you skills to use each and everyday. You have to work hard at it and practice ALOT, but it is so worth it. I am in a good place that I wouldn't have thought possible 3 years ago. I couldn't even go to my own mailbox as I had panic attacks 4-5 times a day. Between that and the ocd thoughts I had, life was miserable. I was so scared to live, and to scared to die. I have finished the program on my own and have also worked with a coach which for me was the icing on the cake for me. I realize I will always have anxiety as it's a natural part of life, but now I have the skills to deal with anxiety so it doesn't get out of control and ever run my life again. If I didn't convince you, visit the chat room here, you will talk to alot of wonderful people who are going through the program now or have already gone through it. Just know that you get out of the program what you put in it. Best of luck to each of you! Deanna

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:51 am
by SweetiePie
Thanks a lot for everyone's response! I really appreciate the time and effort that you guys spent on answering my questions.

I am currently not on medication. I used to see a therapist years ago. I will try the 21-day program. I really hope that the program works for you and you feel better soon. It's wonderful that you have such supportive husband.

You are absolutely right. I will try to make an appointment soon.

Ive heard about that book. I will try to get it. Thanks for your kind support!

I really appreciate your insight on what the program has done for you. I guess I am always looking for a miracle cure and that's why things get better for a little while and then get worse again. I am very happy to hear that it works for you. Keep up your good work!

Once again,
Thank you all.

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:55 am
by Dianne Radford
I wrote that the 21 day program was free. But I found out that it is only a 7 day free trial. I am purchaseing the program on cd's for 6 payments of $39.99. It was a special deal. Sorry if I mislead anyone.

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 6:11 pm
by rose_thorn98
Yes, this program does work! 3 years ago I was suffering with OCD, Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Severe suicidal depression. I was unable to work, take care of my baby, or even be alone at all. I had seen numerous therapists, psychitrist, and Doctors, I had even been hospitalized....but nothing worked until I got this program. I am now fully recovered and did it without drugs (the drugs made me hallucinate too).

This program saved my life. My only regret was that I suffered for so long before I got it. But it is not, like somone above said, its not an overnight you have to do the work and stay the course, and if you do put your all into it, this program will show you how get over this horrible disorder. I just can't say enough how much this program worked for me. I hope it will for you too.