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Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 5:53 pm
by Guest
I know many of you probably have heard some very scary things about OCD...I am no professional, but, I do NOT buy into what some of the professionals say causes this disorder!!!

I think this is a "learned behavior"...I believe that it usually begins in child hood!!! I do NOT believe that it is any type of mental disorder, nor, will I ever believe that one!!!!

I used to suffer from OCD...I would check and re-check everything I did...I also thought everything had to be a certain way. I also had fears of different objects and just "scary thoughts" which I knew made no logical sense at all to me..

I thought the table mats had to be lined up just directly in front of the chairs, and that the chairs had to be pushed in a certain way....
I could just go on and on with my thinking pattern...

I was just a "perfectionist" thinker, who thought at times, that something bad would happen if I didn't do this or that over and over again!!!

I did not go to therapy to overcome these behaviors...I had not even received the program, as of yet!!!

I just made a "conscious" decision not to torture myself in this way any longer...

Life is just too short, and I was determined to loosen up a little, and not allow the trivial things in life to get to me!!!

I just stopped those behaviors, one by one...
I don't even remember which one, that I quit doing first...

If I could stop those behaviors on my own, without professional help of any type, then, how could these type of behaviors be anything but "learned behaviors"?

I think we just get into the habit of doing things a certain way, and we tend to think we need to continue doing so, for whatever reason!!!

If I can unlearn these "learned behaviors" by just stopping myself from doing them, then, they must not be anything at all to concern oneself with...

This is my take on "Obsessive Compulsive Disorder"

I think too many labels have been placed on how we think and feel...It is high time we take control of our own thoughts and actions, and stop allowing others to "label" us with "this" or "that" disorder!!!!

Personally, I feel we are just highly sensitive individuals, who care a lot about a lot of things, as well as, people, and that is a good thing!!!!

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 6:55 am
by Mary L. Smith
Very well put, Ms. T-Bones! You have a God given way of explaining things, keep it up and may you be blessed.

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 7:27 am
by Guest
Thanks Mary,
I do what I do to help others by the Grace of God!!! He has given me this opportunity and I am trying to do my best with what He has given me to do!!!

I pray God Blesses You With a Great Day!!!

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 2:08 pm
by Ellen Phillips
I have had ocd a while and I find it a hard habit to break. I believe I can overcome this, but feel it's taking too long. I tend to overthink about people instead of things. I think it has to do with low self-esteem. I am learning it's ok to be alone.

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 2:56 pm
by fredcz
Mrs T Bones,

I'm happy you were able to overcome with God's help. Praise his name forever! Still there's a lot of evidence that OCD is a neurological disorder that responds to ERP therapy. My faith tells me I must listen to the doctor he sent to me.I take my meds when I need them. Do not be afraid if you have a relapse. Our Lord will guide you then, too. God bless!

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:32 pm
by Guest
Hi Fred,
I thank God that I have had no relapses :) :) :)

I am not one bit scared of OCD...So what if, one feels like they need to recheck each and every thing they do...No big deal to me...

I think that we tend to make "big deals" out of things that are not that really of a "big deal" at all...

Maybe, age helped me overcome these things, since, that was many a moon ago...One just never knows...

I do know that I can choose to go to bed with rechecking every single thing in my house, if I choose to go to bed with rechecking...That is my choice and I choose not to allow these things to bother me...So, I am just not gonna recheck :) :) :)...I choose to lay down and have a peaceful night's rest without rechecking :) :) :)

I just place my trust in the Lord that He will take excellent care of everything!!!

I haven't heard from you recently, and I pray that you are doing much better!!!

God Bless You Dearly Is My Prayer for you!!!

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 3:14 pm
by BookOfPsalms
I do know how that feels to recheck things over and over again, and I have become like Ms.T, and I have decided to just say if I recheck things, I do, if not, I will not worry about it and God will take care of it. At one point, I was rechecking things over and over again. :eek: We would leave the house for church or something, and I would HAVE to ask my husband to turn back around just so that I could come back inside, run upstairs to make sure the iron was off, or that I stopped the dryer, or that I closed the refrigerator tightly, or that I EVEN LOCKED THE DOORS!! I was driving myself crazy doing that and thinking...'what if the house is going up into flames at this very moment from me not turning the iron off, and half the time I would know that I turned it off, but just had to go back and 'make sure that I did'. :roll:Why? :? :? :? I have no clue! I had all those scary thoughts. I would be at work, and sometimes would ask my boss if I could come back home just to make 'sure' that I locked the door or that all windows were secured--although we never even had our windows up! I should know that they would not be unsecured! It was too much to deal with, too much to think about, and I decided that I needed to relax. :)
Ms. T, I think you are correct with what you said. I believe that this is a learned and acquired behavior. We have trained our brains to think this way for so long until we find ourselves getting deeper and deeper into this behavior, which is known as OCD.
I noticed that when the anxiety was bad for me, I would really check things over and over again, but with the anxiety down I don't do any of that. I don't even think negatively, so I do know that the mind can be taught to think positively. :) :) :)

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 4:35 pm
by Guest
It is sooooo nice to hear from you!!! I can totally relate to these things you are saying!!!

I thought I had to recheck every single thing over and over and over again!!! Like you, I knew that I had turned off that stove, turned off the water faucet, turned down the heat, turned off the light, locked the door and the list just goes on and on, but, it was like I just didn't have enough faith in my own self to believe that I had already done, what I knew that I had already done...LOL

I think when anyone's anxiety levels are high, then they tend to do these types of things much more frequently!!!

It is sooooo funny to think how many of us here on the main forum think sooooo much alike, yet, when we have overcome these things, then, we look back and wander why that we put ourselves through sooooo much stress!!! And just to think we do these things to our very own selves just puts the icing on the cake...

Our personality traits are soooo much alike, weird huh???

Anyhow, I enjoyed reading your posting and I thank God that we can go to bed fully trusting that God has all of these things under control!!!

I pray that you have a wonderful night's rest!!! Much Love in Christ Jesus!!!