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Re: Blasphemous thoughts - please help!!

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:58 pm
by asammy
Hey guys! I'm a little late getting in on this but i was so relieved when i saw this topic. I have had OCD for about 2 years and recently, I have been having blasphemous thoughts. It has scared me more than any other scary thought as it deals with the most intricate part of my life. Throughout the day I get bombarded with these thoughts that are so contradictory to how I really feel. However, as weird as it sounds, I honestly feel that God has allowed me to go through this to rely even more on HIS power and not my own. Through this program and another book I've found extremely helpful, "The Doubting Disease", I realized that it is just anxiety and not how we truly feel on the inside. Anyways, I'll praying for everyone on this topic and others who have this condition.

Re: Blasphemous thoughts - please help!!

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 8:06 pm
by Worrywoman
ASammy -yes, I totally agree with you regarding we have to rely on God's help and that our brains are just on hyperdrive, firing millions of neurons in tidal waves!!! I am praying for us all as well. Keep in touch!!

Re: Blasphemous thoughts - please help!!

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:06 am
by James1986
Hi just checking up on everyone, bad week lately with the mind, its strange you go a while and things are fine then your thrown the same million thoughts again, man its been a while well hope everyone is fine.

Re: Blasphemous thoughts - please help!!

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 4:06 pm
by leoleo
Worry woman...please know that this is not the devil like one of the previous users mentioned. Thinking in this fashion puts some other entity in control of your thoughts (which to me is even more scary) and makes us feel that we don't have our own free will or can be controlled by an external force or person. You and you alone are the only one responsible for your thoughts and self. With that said, I go through similar types of things with other types of thoughts...and guess what--they are scary to me. If I told you the kinds of thoughts that scare me, it might not resonate with you but for some reason it is scary to me and therefore it is the thought that haunts and bothers me. Basically what I see you doing is thinking thoughts you don't want to think. This is a form of anxiety I know well myself and have heard of from others. The exact thoughts they fear the most keep worming there way in to your mind to make you feel horrible. Even though I have a VERY difficult time with this myself, I've learned that the best thing to do is take the fear out of the thought...or at the very least try not to freak out that you are having the thought and accept it as just what it is...a thought and nothing more. One book I'm reading is teaching me that thoughts don't have the kind of value we give them...sometimes they lie to us and are untrue (automatic negative thoughts) and sometimes they are irrational and scary. But we buy into them as if they are the real deal and they take us on an unpleasant ride. I go through this every day...trying to not let myself freak out over my thoughts. It's definitely a challenge and definitely a manifestation of anxiety. Try to embrace your thoughts as ugly and scary as they are and they might just loose their power over you. This is just a thought...not how you really feel or you wouldn't be upset with thinking it.

Re: Blasphemous thoughts - please help!!

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:31 pm
by Eric McLin
It is apparent that God is important to you. He is important in my life as well. Knowing that God created our universe and everything we can see, hear, or feel is an awesome experience. If God were not important to you and in your relationship to him, would your mind continue to talk to him ?

I think you may feel like losing God would produce a great deal of anxiety and subconsiously, you may feel unworthy of His grace. God knows your heart. He knows that you are struggling with these 'thoughts'. He knows you love him. Otherwise, you would not be so upset about these thoughts. If you hated God, like Satan does, then these thoughts would not be upsetting to you. You are afraid of hurting God. That indicates that you have respect for Him. God is omniscent. He knows all and he has compassion for your anxiety. He does love you !

Mental disorders like OCD have common traits. I have had friends who had blasphemous thoughts about God too. Please remind yourself, that this is what is going on...a disorder. This has NOTHING to do with your love and respect to the Lord. Love others and the Holy Spirit will guide you. You cannot love others without having the direction of the Holy Spirit. In that way, you know God is with you at all times. See your disorder as a Disorder...nothing more...nothing less. It is a chemical reaction that is going haywire. Kind of like a landline phone that goes in and out when you are trying to talk to your mom or dad on the phone. Do not fear your thoughts. Allow them to flow and know that God knows your heart. It will be o.k.

Re: Blasphemous thoughts - please help!!

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 5:32 pm
by nicamo
To all of you whom have taken the time to lift up our spirits about the blasphemous thoughts I want to thank you because if feels great to have the support and understanding of people beyond this keyboard, and know that we are not alone. Thank you all so much, this is still a struggle that I'm fighting with, I do hope I come out a Victor!

Re: Blasphemous thoughts - please help!!

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:57 pm
by tono77
Please feel free to e-mai me or call me/text me I been going through this for 1 1/2 years and would like to share my experience, and talk and support other fellow borhters .
