Blasphemous thoughts - please help!!

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Post by nicamo » Mon Jan 19, 2009 5:56 am

hey know what? I tried going to church and I started having anxiety and panic feelings, I couldn't be in church I had racy feelings i couldn't concentrate and felt dizzy I couldn't stand it so I had a friend take me home. So NOW i feel so bad because I feel like i'm never gonna be able to go to church because of my panicky feelings and I think that going to church is going to cause panic...and now i'm just thinking what if...what now i'm so depressed because i start saying what if i can't ever go to church? or if i can't never get out of this. I know i have to live the anxiety and feel it, but i'm just afraid of the anxiety and panic attacks so i avoid a lot of stuff in order not to feel, but then being in my house is the same good lord. My head hurts so much!!!

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Post by Teboho » Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:55 pm

Hi Nicamo
I also had these thoughts when I knew about the scripture, it was not deliberate but the devil was taking advantage of my knowledge about the scripture to condemn me and make me feel useless and finally give up in the lord. The word of God says the enemy comes ONLY to kill,steal and destroy. Thats his primary reason to see us leave our salvation. Recently I had same attacks after 14 years of my relationship with GOD, just because i had decides to obey his word. So in all these dont give up, its just thoughts nothing else.
hey know what? I tried going to church and I started having anxiety and panic feelings, I couldn't be in church I had racy feelings i couldn't concentrate and felt dizzy I couldn't stand it so I had a friend take me home. So NOW i feel so bad because I feel like i'm never gonna be able to go to church because of my panicky feelings and I think that going to church is going to cause panic...and now i'm just thinking what if...what now i'm so depressed because i start saying what if i can't ever go to church? or if i can't never get out of this. I know i have to live the anxiety and feel it, but i'm just afraid of the anxiety and panic attacks so i avoid a lot of stuff in order not to feel, but then being in my house is the same good lord. My head hurts so much!!![/QUOTE]

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Post by flower74 » Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:55 pm

yes, it is amazing how much effect the power of suggestion has over people, especially those with OCD. I can see or hear something that would have never crossed my mind by myself & begin obsessing about it.
Originally posted by gwoman:

I had the exact same thing you do, though mine had some extra components that I won't bother telling you about. If you are anything like me, hearing what I did will make you worry that you will do it and then, of course, you will.

First off, let me assure you 100% that God loves you and he knows you love him. He knows that these thoughts are not something you mean but are something you're having a hard time controlling. For me, it got to the point that I couldn't pay attention in class or ever enjoy anything because the blasphemous thoughts were always running through my mind.

I was finally able to get them to decrease, though the thoughts have not gone away completely, even now, 4 years later. What I did was tell myself that since God knows and I know that these thoughts are not true and not actually my faul, it DOESN'T MATTER IF THEY GO THROUGH MY MIND. The only way to make them go away is to no longer care if they come.

So, how can you go from loving God so much and really not wanting to think like that to not caring if you do? Realize that you still love God, but that these thoughts are just OCD, or obsessive thoughts. They aren't hurting God and they aren't counting against you. If they come to mind, oh well. It's no big deal (even though it may feel like a big deal now.)

It'll take a little time to get used to not caring, and it'll take time to learn to not respond in that panicky way. Having these thoughts is probably very draining for you, both emotionally and spiritually. Heck, it even drained me physically. But THEY DON'T MATTER. And you're not lying to yourself when you say it - they really do not matter.

Oh, and try not to worry about asking for forgiveness every time one of these thoughts pops in your mind. At the beginning or end of the day, you can do one big "I'm sorry for those crazy thoughts, God" if you like. Also, it was very helpful for me to tell lots of people about my problem (not in graphic detail, but you get the idea.) Once I saw that they weren't affected by it that much, it became easier to live with. And now I even laugh about it!

You can too! Good luck and I prayed for you. God loves you no matter what and where ever you are in your walk with him.


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Post by Jesus4life » Sat Apr 04, 2009 3:12 pm

I totaly understand how you all feel. Charlie Brown Thank you so much for the information This gave me so much relief. Our thoughts are so similar on here I cant help but think its the devil. God Bless everyone! Lets just keep paraying!

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Post by Rosie1 » Sat Apr 04, 2009 7:01 pm

To All,
We cannot control each and every thought that comes into our mind...The more you worry about that thought, then, it tends to stick to you like glue..Remember thoughts are only thoughts...nothing more...Do not give these negative thoughts any weight...

It is kinda like where it said in the program...Do not think of a "pink elephant"..and guess what happens???? Since your mind thinks in pictures not words, then, you cannot stop thinking of that "pink elephant"

That is a lesson well learned....Do not tell yourself not to think this thoughts...And DO NOT focus on these thoughts...Just don't give them any weight...

I honestly don't know what the word "blaspheming" in the Bible really means...I would have to do lots of research on this one...But, I tend to think of "Blaspheming" as one who is an "unbeliever" and who will never believe as long as he/she lives on earth...
Or it could also mean, that you claim to be God...and, I know that none of us on here do that...

The bottom line is each and every one of you are scaring yourselves with these thoughts...
Who knows??? Maybe, it is Satan's tactics trying to make you believe a lie, hoping by deceiving you into thinking you have done the "unpardonable" sin, that
he can stop you praying to Jesus, or getting to know Him as your Personal Savior...

Please don't buy into Satan's schemes....
If you did not believe in Jesus Christ and care what He thinks about you, then, you would not be sooo scared....I pray this helps in some way....

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Post by James1986 » Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:18 am

Over two years ago I asked the Lord to save me while a friend prayed with me and meant it with all my heart and believed he did save me, and felt great, and about 3-5 minutes later satan said you don't know what you just prayed, and I started thinking about what I prayed and said yes I know what I prayed. Anyways I told my family the good news that I got saved and everything was great for a week, then temptation came and I failed(sexual). Well then 2 months later went by and I got married. well to make a long story short I started doubting my salvation, and I prayed again and again, well then it ws like my mind was taken over and thoughts I didn't want constantly came to my mind, and well 2 years later and I'm still at the same point. I have blasphemous thoughts constantly. At first it would just break in my mind when I woke and would just scream in my head and would feel guilty all the time, then that faded, but I still feel guilty especally when I wake, I try not to think them to no avail, and It now seems that the thoughts are coming from me and I still hate them!! I tell God that I hate the thoughts, but when they are curseing God and the Rest of the Trinity, how do you go on? How can I stop thinking them when they are there also when I pray? They seem to not leave even in church. Please someone Help!

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Post by mallorygodisgood » Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:16 am

I too struggled with this. First of all, what you need to realize is that God does not look at your mind...he looks at your heart. And he knows that in your heart you hate those thoughts. What helped me was that I just got down on my face before God and told him that those thoughts were not me, that I loved him so much and that anytime I had those thoughts, would he please overlook them because I cant control them. I mean if you think about, God created our minds...he knows what we struggle with. Here is the point, you cant stop thinking those thoughts because you are trying to stop thinking about them..which makes it worse. Does that make sense? What you need to do is accept the thoughts, stop praying for God to forgive you...he already has. Let the thought be there and stop being so disturbed by it...its ONLY a thought. You choose how you believe and you said you were a christian. Your thoughts cant change that. The sooner that the thought stops bothering you, the less it will consume your thoughts. I know how hard and scary it is, but you have to realize, we dont serve a God who will send us to hell over something we cant control. You know in your heart that you are truly not cursing God...The bible says whatever you think with your HEART, not whatever you think. You are not thinking these thoughts with your heart, these thoughts bother you tremendously which shows that this is not in your heart. I hope this helps you!

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Post by Gman5256 » Tue Apr 14, 2009 5:25 am


Please go to where you got saved and ask them to help you get strong in the Lord. Everybody loves the part of getting saved, and they have grown to believe, as before being saved to be deceived into thinking that there really is no devil. I can assure he is real. Once you made your declaration of being saved, it annoyed him. The thoughts, doubts, and fears are not thoughts you bring up but doubts that are stirred up by the opposer Satan.

There are 3 elements that you have to realize once you are saved and you must stand on them. Be strong in the power of his word (the bible) His love (agape compassion) and a sound mind that is not ruled by fear. The process of being saved does not end when you accept Jesus as your Savior, that is just the beginning of your journey.

If you weren't saved, Satan wouldn't bother with you. Because he feels and thinks he's got you convinced first: that he doesn't exist, and secondly that life is just life. Drink, live and be merry this is all there is to it. Once you got saved, he will do all possible to convince you would be better off without God. That is part of the spiritual battle going on and mentioned in Ep 6:10, et seq.

You can accept Mallory's view, and they are true, in part, they are thoughts, but you need to realize what the source of those thoughts are, and rebuke them by simply asserting your belief in Jesus' saving power (He word and His love) and pray constantly for the Lord's strength to free you from fear and give you a sound mind full of self control. Mock it if you want, it is no laughing matter, and no matter what may want you to believe there is good and evil, and if you can accept that, ask yourself who is the father or source of good and the father or source of evil?

We need to pray, or you can call a friend of mine that can help you with prayers for healing, since it seems many Christians here fear developing a trusting relationship where they feel safe enough to call a brother or sister in the Lord, without fearing they may develop some weakness in their own faith, and I can appreciate that, but what happened to the sound mind that is free of fear, filled with the power of His word and His love?

Failing any of the above suggestions, because there are a lot kooks sick people on the internet; the talk to your minister and ask for prayer specific to your needs, but you have to get it out to them clearly so they know what is happening.

God bless you all!
All for His praise, glory and the joy it gives Him.

Hugs, In His Love >:D<

"He who dwells in the secret place of the most
high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty"

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Post by Boon » Tue Apr 14, 2009 5:48 am

There are a couple of things here. Religion is always a sensitive subject but you are taking yourself waaaaaaay too seriously. This is one of the characteristics of ocd, I know, but you really need to step back and see this.

It doesn't matter what the nature of your obsession is - it is still treated the same way. The content of your thought is not the problem. Please re-read what Mallory wrote. If you did not give a hoot one way or the other if you had these thoughts these thoughts would no longer haunt you. They would leave you but because you resist them they keep coming back and probably louder every time. To not give a hoot, does not mean you do not care about God. It simply means that you no longer give your thoughts any power over you. They are just thoughts. They mean nothing so why give them so much power! Become the observer of your thoughts and allow them to come and go no matter what they are saying. Soothe yourself instead of berating yourself. Even welcome the thoughts in. Welcoming is a form of nonresistance. It's another way of eliminating them. But you don't welcome them in with the idea that you will eliminate them. Truly do not mind if the thoughts are there. So big deal. You've got these thoughts. We all have thoughts we don't like. The trick is to let them be. You'll find your peace with this practice. You will hear less and less of these thoughts.
"Life is not about comfort. It is about living." Dr. Howard Liebgold

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Post by James1986 » Tue Apr 14, 2009 7:36 am

I thank you for the help and comments! I have been rebuking the thoughts, and have tried to forget them, and they got to where they didn't bother me much. Then I started worrying over them again, because I HATE THEM!! I don't understand how I can Love God and then have these thoughts about him. These thoughts seem like they are from me, but I always ask for forgivness, because I don't want them. I have talked to my pastor about this and have prayed about almost everynight!! I just need some advice from someone who has suffered from this!! For I hate to have cussing in my mind towards God! Please any comment is helpful.

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