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Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 10:18 pm
by mamadrama
i've had health anxiety for many years and of course i go through all the usual symptoms of tingling, dizziness, feelings of heavy limbs, etc. i just recently had a root canal and it sort of triggered anxiety for me now for 2 and half weeks. currently my forearms bug me & feel like carpal tunnely but today they felt weak to lift & so i did the symptom surfing thing & freaked out on the diseases that have that as a symptom. now i feel like i have some awful muscle weakening disease. im trying to not self talk & work myself up, but i cant get it under control.could someone help talk me out of this obsessive thought pattern?

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 2:55 am
by Guest
ok so now, im feeling like im out of breath & my hearts beating fast along with my arms & back aching. is this anxiety or should i go to the ER? Please help, i need advice!!!

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 7:01 am
by Guest
Dear mamadrama
You sound just like me. I worry constantly about health, I always feel like a bubble head.and my arms have gotten very heavy before. To the point you almost feel like they don't want to move. Then anxiety gets worse because you read into that symptom. Please really try hard to tell yourself thats all it is, is an anxiety symptom. I get horrible anxiety symptoms, you can really make yourself believe you have something serious. I'm not a doctor, but I think your just anxious, breathe, and talk nice to yourself, you deserve it. I hope this helps, and that you feel better soon. You can pm me anytime ok.

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 8:42 am
by Guest
Hey me too!
I've had weakness in arms, feeling heavy, sometimes just one side, I think it's anxiety too. I've also had weird symptoms of tongue numbness, lots of weird feelings, and while if your worried, talk to your doctor. But i've spent enough time in an E.R only to have drs. tell me it's stress, then I feel bad for have taken up their time, over anxiety when people are bleeding in the waiting room b/c I thought I was having a heartattack and can't breathe.
I hope youre feeling better, now, One thing that helps me alot is archived conversations on your topic concern, so, for example "heavy limbs, or muscle weakness, put those words under the "find' button on this page. Reading through others symptoms and experiances just like yours helps calm us down.

Also DON"T GO TO WEBMD!!!!! It's NOT a diagnostic tool! I've done the same thing you do, I get one or two sypmtoms and then I look online and it's telling me I have some serious disorder, disease etc. The web only gives us enough information to scare the begeezus out of ourselves. Just keep telling yourself that, this is not a doctor. this can't diagnose me, it's just anxiety,lots of people feel the same way as me. I'm not going to die today. Then make an appointment with your real live human dr. and let them reassure you or run the live bloodwork so they can tell you, your okay.

I truly sympathize, my arm is weak as I'm typing this, I worry over my symptoms too, I worry I won't be able to care for my kids, or myself, but then we need to slow down, recognize the behavior. Our thoughts can contribute to the intesity of our symptoms. Their real, they're still there, but we're all gonna be okay.
Please post and let us know your doing okay. I'm sure we're both gonna be fine. =) much peace and prayers to all of us. Hang in there adn breathe =)

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 8:48 am
by Guest
Hey mamadrama,
me too! I have weakness in my arms, and heaviness in my jaw, etc. it's just anixety symptoms, though it seems worse when my back bothers me. I too will go online and only get enough information to scare myself b/c I have all the symptoms of a serious disease.
It helps me to search the "find" button and put in key words, such as muscle weakness etc. and see archived chats. Reading others same symptoms and experiances help calm me down. Your not alone, actually not even unique in your symtpoms....=) hope this helps, much peace and prayers to all of us! hugs Amber

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 1:25 pm
by Guest
thx alaskan! too bad i read your advice to not surf on webmd a little too late because now im convinced i have polymyositis. i even feel like i've lost muscle tone in my arms in the last 3 days. is that even possible!?! more than likely, i've lost some weight because of my lack of appetite & hyper stressing!!of course the funny thing is, when i dont think about it, i dont feel anything and my arm strenght is good, but then i go and let my mind wander to "what if" land & then BOOM, ive got some horrible disease. i hate my mind sometimes cuz its so so strong and i convince myself of bad things. so i started back to tape #1 & that seems to help me a little, i know it just takes some time to clear my thoughts. thanks for all your input. and its also nice to know others have had the same symptoms!

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 1:28 pm
by Guest
oh i might also add that im currently going through the bankruptcy process & exactly one month ago, i felt great, was going to the gym, full of energy. i feel the opposite these days,but hopeful that i'll get a handle on it :(