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Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 5:28 pm
by anxiousmomof3
I suppose I have some form of OCD but for the most part it's just anxiety. I have these dumb fears that I'm going to flip out & not know what I'm tonight I was getting a snack after everyone had gone to bed. My hubby had a bottle of WD-40 on the counter to take to work in the morning & I thought, what if I drank it?! So for the next 30 min. I just sat around worrying! Did I actually drink some & not know it? I had to go back & check to make sure the bottle was in the same spot my hubby left it. I'm seriously losing it. :(

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 3:24 am
by Guest
In the grand tradition of OCD, we are often more capable of helping others get through it than we can help outselves sometimes.

You are NOT losing it. Want proof? You know it. OCD makes us think we're thinking stuff we're not, makes us feel ways we don't, and makes us doubt ourselves every chance it gets. You titled the thread "such dumb thoughts", not "I think I drank WD40!"

I know it is difficult. I am dealing with an awful time right now due to my imagination, which for me, is a really creative one. That works against us. People who develop OCD are smart, caring, and conscientous to the point where we are so worried about what we're thinking, imagining, or having thought about.

Give yourself a break. You're not only fine, but you're better than fine. You're great. OCD's job is to make you feel at your worst - once you realize that's its job, you've got half the battle in your hands. You're not actually worried whether you drank it, really. You're worried that you "thought" you might have. That is OCD at its worst. You're ok, trust me.