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Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:34 am
by amberlee
Hey everyone...

My doctor prescribed me paxil and I have really bad OCD and I was wanting to know if it works with the thoughts?

I was put on Clexa and it was horriable and I am truely scared to take another medication.

Please respond!!!

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 9:46 am
by Guest
Paxil worked well for me. However like all meds it has its side effects and I gained almost 40 pounds. I stopped taking it and it took awhile to get the weight off. It did work when I was talking it though and just because I had that side effect it doesnt mean you will

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:28 am
by Guest
SSRI's just recently were "outed" by Newsweek. You should read the article...Basically it says, SSRI's mainly work through the "placebo effect", that low serotonin really isn't the cause of depression...etc.

It listed the conditions which are affected by the placebo effect (helped by sugar pills or anything else) and those that aren't. OCD is one of the conditions NOT affected by the placebo affect. Therefore if Paxil works for you, then it's the real deal.

I'm a major OCD'er. Lexapro worked briefly for me, but I had to get off when the side effects got intolerable. I just recently overcame a major OCD thing in which I was self-mutilating, causing severe infection, causing severe hypochondria (over the symtoms)...Anyway...I did it w/o meds. If you need the meds, take them. If they work...keep taking them. If they don't, you can still overcome!