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Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 4:12 pm
by Kami1095
I started having those fear of hurting others thoughts last October.
I've been reading a lot of information and have started this program.

I wanted some advice. I know one way to cope with accepting the thoughts are to avoid my compulsions to avoid violence...for example I avoid anything with a violent tone to it. Which is ridiculously difficult btw, im sure you all know.
I had wanted to go see Sherlock Holmes at the movies and now i think all i can handle is The Princess and the Frog.

and this just happened... my bf has the TV on in the living room. and he knows what im going through. but we live in a tiny apartment. so i can hear the TV going on about inmates and murderers and turns out hes watching some program about inmates. and of course im like "oh great." /sarcasm. and i think to myself "he shouldnt have to change his TV habits because of me, thats selfish of me" but i keep hearing violent stuff spewing out of the TV. and i finally go "ANDY!!" and hes like "What?" and im like "thanks a lot!" and hes like "well...i can watch something else." and i feel bad because thats ridiculous for us to have to live like that. but im too delicate right now to handle programs like that or i have nightmares and thoughts that make me sick to my stomach at times.

1. Does this sound familiar to anyone else?

2.Should i work on trying to watch violent movies to desensitize myself?

3. If you are going through/went through what i was going through with this fear of hurting others...did watching violent movies help you at all to overcome it somewhat???

I just dont feel ready for that yet. ive finally gotten to the point where im not having vomiting fits over the thought of hurting someone...i just dont think im ready for inmate TV.

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 2:26 am
by guardedheart
I really cant give any advice on if you should watch them to desensitize yourself but here is what I can tell you, Do not beat yourself up for getting frustrated that he is watching this stuff on TV.

You have every right to be concerned. And it sounds like this guy really loves you and I am sure he understands. He probably doesnt fully get it though, which is why he might think watching TV isnt really a big deal.

It is a big deal to you and that is understandable. Your BF wouldnt stick around if he couldnt handle dealing with your OCD but it sounds like he is. Maybe he just needs to understand you when u say that you really cannot watch that stuff or even hear that stuff on TV. Try talking to him. I bet you will be surprised :) take care baby girl!!


Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 7:15 am
by EddyJ
Hey Kami,

I also started to have those thoughts in October as well. I too find that there are certain things I like to avoid watching. I don't like the news because there are a lot of morbid things on there.

If you feel a little too sensitive about certain movies or programs or media and you feel like you rather not watch it then do not beat yourself up about it, Don't watch them.

As you begin to understand the irrationality in these fears of hurting others, you will be able to under-react and float through it and keep doing what you are doing. When you realize there is nothing to fear you will obsess less and less about it.

I have read on these forums about others being able to watch movies like SAW and stuff and be fine after going through a long time obsessing about hurting or going crazy and killing someone. SO it is possible.

But what I realize is this, I don't think I am missing out on anything by not being able to watch movies like SAW. I never liked that series in the first place.

Try not to focus on these thoughts and what they keep you from doing. Do what you want to do despite the thoughts. A lot of people who don't have these thoughts or high anxiety avoid these programs and films too.

Movies are intended to cause emotional responses like fear and suspense. If you want watch those kinds of movies then go for it. Little by little. I am sure much like anything else it will get easier and effortless with time.

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 12:20 pm
by rose_thorn98
When I had bad anxiety and OCD, I couldn't handle having those kinds of shows on in the house at all. I drove my husband mad because everything he wanted to watch would trigger my anxiety. He especially likes that one about the inmates too, LOL. But really, its normal to feel this way. I don't think you need to make youself watch those shows, just tell your BF to keep the volume down and go in the other room and watch something you like or read or just do something else. That is what I did, and eventually when my anxiety started to get better, over time, shows like that didn't bother me anymore. Lucinda even says to stay away from watching scary things in the beginning. For now, just stick to romantic comedies. You may never be able to watch scary movies, but that is normal, alot of people don't like them. And by the way, Princess and the Frog was pretty good!