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Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 1:24 pm
by kmm1978
So, I've had issues with anxiety for years and within the past two months the OCD started with scary thoughts of hurting myself and others and then CONSTANTLY worrying about it. I'm having difficulty dealing with all the uncertainty in life, all though I wouldn't want everything to be certain :)

I constantly fear I am going crazy or that I will lose control and hurt myself or others. I DO NOT want to, but I worry that I will. It seemed to get better for a week or so and then the thoughts came back. Now I just feel lost and like I don;t know who I am anymore. I feel down and just out of it. Some days are better than others. The past few I haven;t been worrying as much but I always feel scared and kinda hopeless.

I don;t think I am depressed because I know I will get better, I have so much to live for, I still look forward to things, I still live my life as I did before, I just worry all the time. I think I am just frustrated. I know I haven;t been dealing with OCD for that long but I dealt with anxiety for so long and finally overcame it and I don't want to go down that road again.

I trust God and I have faith in His greater plan, but I do want to feel better :)

Can anyone relate? Any advice? I would appreciate anything!

God bless!

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:19 am
by vls
I can relate... You just described me! The hard part is that the scary thoughts are so far from our personalities. That is why they scare us so much.

I try a couple things. I try to imagine taking that bad thought and blowing it up and making it disappear. Sometimes, I take the bad thought and replace it with one that is funny or calming.

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 8:16 am
by kmm1978
Thanks for the advice!!! The thoughts are so unlike me to, and I think that's why they bother me so much. I was always so afraid to die, and now I'm worried I might do it to myself?? It doesn't make sense. I think the OCD attacks the things you fear most. I always worry about my loved ones, so now I worry that I would hurt them. I have a strong faith in God and the OCD hass tried attacking that too. I try to remember it's OCD, but then I think What if it isn't? It's a never ending cycle!! But I know it will get better! I am seeing a therapist and she said just to let the thoughts be there and not to react to them.

I wish you well with this! My prayers are with you!

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 7:42 am
by vls
Thank you...

Remember the OSD stuff is based in FEAR - false evidence appearing real. What scary thought has ever come true? Ask yourself that? Your answer will always be - None of it! Not one!

They never happen and never will because they are not the truth and never will be...
Always remember that.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 11:36 am
by kmm1978
Thank you! I feel like lately I have trouble distinguishing the truth from lies. A few months ago I would just say this is ridiculous, I would never do that. Now, I'm not so sure. I don;t trust myself which, I believe, is do to low self-esteem. I also keep thinking what if this isn't OCD? I feel like i need to watch all of my thoughts and feelings to make sure I won;t do anything. I think if I could just accept it for what it is, I would feel better, but I'm so afraid to let my guard down that I won't.

I know this will get better, I just need to be strong and patient :)

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:27 am
by iwanttobfree
Hello, my name is Amanda.and i am so terrified just writing this because i feel like no one feels they way i do. So here it gos i am constantly scared of natural disasters. hurricanes tornadoes earthquakes and the world coming to an end. i have been scared of this for years and then i saw the previews for that movie 2012 and now i am so scared i think i am going to loose it. dose anyone els ever fear these things or am i really going crazy. PLEASE HELP!!!