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Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 12:22 am
by guitar1
Have you ever had a weird type of philosophial thought, a concept that is even hard to put into words, torment you and keep you from peace? I know I should just accept it, but it lingers, keeping me anxious. Most weird thoughts posted here are about hurting others. What about the weird philosophical thoughts. Anyone?

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 5:41 pm
by Guest
guitar1, I don't have any idea of what kind of thoughts you are talking about...Sorry!!! If you could give an example, then, I may be able to help answer your question!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 11:03 pm
by Guest
Guitar -

Yes, I've dealt with those types of thoughts as well. Mine usually deal with our existence or life after death. As Ms. T suggests, perhaps if you share your specific fears we could give a better answer. In the meantime, check out the post below from the main forum, which deals with similar issues:

I've discovered over the 21 years that I've suffered from anxiety that pretty much none of our fears are original. That is, it's almost a guarantee that someone else (or many people) have had the exact same thoughts and fears. So don't despair; you're not the only one.


Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 1:31 am
by Guest
I have had weird thoughts of after death and god. The one bout god makes me angry because I don't like my beliefs being tested. The weird ones r hard to explain, but I think I can relate

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:27 pm
by Guest
Oh yes, i hate how philosophical i am. it makes anxiety that much harder. I used to be proud of my analytical mind and now its a burden.

one of my weird ones is that ill stop and look around at the people/pets in my life and think things like "wow...that lady ended up being my mother...and she looks like that and isnt it amazing that i ended up with that exact lady" or "wow...i ended up with that exact tabby cat...thats my cat"
and then i feel all distant and weird like im watching my universe from a telescope or something lol.

My beliefs have already been test. and i found out that i couldnt find any reason why god didnt exist. i believe anything is possible and we just arent smart enough as human beings to figure it all out...the answers to the universe are too deep for our minds to comprehend.

trust me i understand. sometimes i wish i were simple. ignorance is bliss. id like a "turn off" button in my head. lol.

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 4:38 am
by Guest
I'm new to this forum, and can relate to some of the things I've been reading. I don't have anyone to talk to about what I'm experiencing and feel very lonely most of the time. I thought I'd give this a try as it might just be a safe place to share.
I worry continually about what other people think about me, and worry that they don't like me. On top of all kinds of other worries... I have trouble relaxing and just being myself in public or social gatherings, and rather than attract new friends, I end up pushing people away from me.
I also have some "off the wall" re-accuring thoughts that I won't get into now. But I will say that they continually cause trouble in my marriage. My husband thinks I'm very insecure.
Like "Kamli1095" said, I too wish I had a "shut off button" for my mind, as it's my worst enemy at the best of times!
Has anybody out there experienced anything similar, and if so, how do you handle it?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 10:37 pm
by Guest
I noticed your entry. I was born in CoCo Solo Panama in 1946. I am 63 years old and have suffered physically all my life. I contracted something there in Panama and no one knows what it is or what to do about it. It got into my blood stream and has caused unbelievable problems and pain. Doctors gave it their best shot but failed. It got to the point where I didn't trust anyone and then myself. I had horable nightmares and day dreams. I was actually diagnosed with anxiety disorder when I was 6 years old. All the doctors could do for me was to teach me to breath and relax. I became quite a loner because I figured no one would want me to play with them. I became invisable, or at least that is how I felt. By not socializing I found it to be harder and harder to join the human race. My self esteme and confidence and love of self was 0.
My parents took an agressive approach and signed me up for dancing lessons, art lessons, modeling lessons, horseback riding,swimming, Brownies and Girl Scouts, to help me feel that I was worthy. I made some friends, but still found it hard to love myself. Years of this. Then when I got away from myself and started to get involved in social work, did things begin to change. By helping others, I felt good inside and got confidence in my ability to making others feel joyful. These people respected what i was doing and were very apreciative. I could be myself. They weren't judgemental. I went for years and years feeling good about myself. But somewhere along the way I got lost and started the self pitty and beating myself up about all kinds of things. I became more and more pulled back and insecurity set in. I started to rehash my past with all my regrets. I got to the point of becoming obsessive. I have become anxious and filled with fear. I am creating my own Hell. I feel like I am a failure. I don't have the greatest memory in the world and that has caused a lot of problems for me. The last 2 years I have been dwelling on my past. Dragging up all my physical problems, my being austricized by children growing up, by being beaton up when pregnant by a student and losing the baby, by being misdiagnosed and given wrong meds and directives by doctors which has caused more problems, and not being able to lose weight. I am a mess. I have anxiety/stress disorder and moderate depression. I am hopeful that this program will bring me back to who I really am and to love myself once more. I am a Born Again Christian, and know God loves me, I just don't know how to love myself. I have no one to blam. For what ever reason, I have done this to myself. Part of it is that both my husband and I are retired with too much time on our hands so I start to think. Both my girls are married and very busy. I have one grandchild by my eldest daughter who lives 2 1/2 hours away.
Every time I feel sorry for myself, I am alone. We moved out here in West Virginia 7 years ago to make a fresh start. It is beautiful, quiet and the people are friendly. But I am still having problems.


Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 1:18 pm
by Guest
Man just reading your thoughts about weird thoughts just stirred up abunch of my own. I too have been plauged with horrible dreams but I'm not actting on them because that's what the devil wants me to do to destory all my hard work of recovering from Manic Depression that this program helped me BLOW IT RIGHT OUT OF THE WATER as far as what was causing it. SHAME AND GUILT were the fuel that was raging inside my mind because the bad relationship I had with my father AND it was trying and succeeding in making me think that it was all my fault that he hated me for being his son. But the truth be told I hated him for the choices he made concerning me and the rest of his family. He not only cheated on my mother but he kicked us HIS FAMILY all to the curb and choose to bring up another woman's children beside us. And when you talk about being the invisible kid try wetting your pants in school IN FRONT OF EVERYBODY like what happened to me and you'll understand why I choose to avoid contact with my fellow students. And so I repeat SHAME AND GUILT WERE THE TWO BUTTONS everyone in everything I did pushed. So until I was ready to stop reacting that this crap was my own doing than I STOPPED FEELING AND EXCEPTING THIS STUFF ABOUT ME! We don't get to choose who brings us up and who saids that CHILDREN CAN'T HAVE THEIR OWN CHILDREN? My father acted the way he did because he was brought up in an orphanage where no one showed him how to love anyone including himself. So when he grew up? He kept reaching outside of himself for the LOVE HE NEVER FELT HE HAD FOUND IN OTHERS INCLUDING US. So there you go I let that CRAP ABOUT MY PAST GO RIGHT DOWN THE DRAIN WHERE IT CAN'T HURT ME ANYMORE. And I suggest you do the same.
I just lost my best friend, Alan over 8 months ago and had I not been free from the above crap I would've wound up a BASKET CASE!

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 6:11 am
by Guest
Susan, I am sorry for taking so long to reply. I couldn't find how to get back here until now.
Very strange that the doctors can't find out what is it you picked up here in Panama. That's the first time I've heard of anything like that actually. Hopefully, you've recovered from what ever it was by now?
It sounds like we both suffer from low self esteem. I've been like this my entire life, and I want to be rid of it. Especially the insecurity I feel around other people. I tend to over analyze everything everyone says, and it ends up hurting me. I know what you mean by saying that you "feel like a failure", as I feel the same on most days. And I also tend to dwell on my past far to much.
I'd like to stay in touch with you as we both make progress through the program. I know for a fact that we are in the right place. It's the first time in my life, actually, that I've felt this way!!! We are on our way to freedom!
Hang in there! :)

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:25 am
by Guest
Hello, my name is Amanda.and i am so terrified just writing this because i feel like no one feels they way i do. So here it gos i am constantly scared of natural disasters. hurricanes tornadoes earthquakes and the world coming to an end. i have been scared of this for years and then i saw the previews for that movie 2012 and now i am so scared i think i am going to loose it. dose anyone els ever fear these things or am i really going crazy. PLEASE HELP!!!