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Did Lucinda have OCD?

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 9:02 am
by MirandaLey
I've been diagnosed with OCD (purely obsessional) and a lot of my thoughts/fears sound like Lucinda's, that she's spoken of.. a fear of killing onself, a fear of hurting others. Does anyone know if she was diagnosed with OCD or just anxiety? I am on Session 7 and no one has really talked about OCD yet in the tapes. Does it ever come up?

Re: Did Lucinda have OCD?

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 10:55 am
by coachchris
Lessons 9 and 10 are all about worry and obsessive thinking. From my own personal experiences I think many of us are obsessive worriers. Worry becomes a 'control' issue for us. The good news is that the program will continue to help you break this bad habit. You are an amazing learner and you will see that all of this energy we put it into worry we can now use to create greatness in our lives. You are doing well!! Stay positive and keep telling yourself truth. Obsessive thinking always lies to us. Be a truthteller :)

Coach Chris