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Does the program work for OCD just as well as anxiety?

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 5:30 pm
by MirandaLey
Hi everyone, okay I have been in the program for 4 weeks now and am on Lesson 3 (it was so important I decided to do it two weeks in a row). I see a therapist every once in awhile and today I met with him and the psychiatrist, to see what exactly I had. I mean it was obvious that I have anxiety but I always felt there was something weird about it (obsessive unwated thoughts, fears of hurting myself or others, scary blasphemous thoughts) that went beyond just generalized anxiety. He diagnosed me with OCD, but mainly the obsessive part, not the compulsions, because I have no rituals (I did when I was younger but just forced myself to stop) just unwanted thoughts. I've been doing really great, I'm on citalopram 40 mg a day, and doing the program is really helping. My obsessive thoughts are almost all gone but sometimes when I'm stressed they creep up again. What I'm wondering is, does the program work for OCD as well as it does for anxiety? I know OCD is a form of anxiety so I should think so but wanted to hear from others and possibly a coach. According to my doctor I won't always need mediction, typically just when I have a stressful life event or change, but my therpist and I are planning on getting me comfortable with coping skills (I showed him the program and though he had never heard of it before he really suggested I keep going with it) and form a relapse plan, so that I can see my signs that my OCD is coming back when I get stressed and stop it from getting out of hand. I am feeling very comfortable with this idea. Anyways any suggestions? Thansk!!

Re: Does the program work for OCD just as well as anxiety?

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 5:53 pm
by coachjanine
Hi Mirandaley, This is coach Janine. StressCenter's program does help with those who suffer from OCD, but I would use it in conjunction with other treatments that are available for OCD. The Obsessive Compulsive Foundation has an excellent website to learn more. It is My youngest son has overcome his OCD, but sometimes has some anxiety issues that he deals with. Our program is helping him a lot. Take things one day at a time, and try not to get overwhelmed. Help is always available!

Re: Does the program work for OCD just as well as anxiety?

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 10:44 pm
by coachchris
Hi Miranda,

I enjoy all of your posts and can see how hard you are working on your healing. You are inspiring!

This program will most certainly help with the obsessing and worrying we do. Like you said you are identify and taking ownership for your obsessive thinking patterns. So much of this goes back to our 'control' issues. As we begin to learn how to let go of the things we don't have control of and take ownership of that which we do, the obsessive worry begins to fade. That is what makes this whole process so effective. I would also say that worry can become the 'compulsive' behavior. We believe that by worrying we are controlling a certain outcome. This is why in lesson 9 Lucinda says "worry is a control issue."

I too like the book Stop Obsessing, by Edna Foa.

Keep taking baby steps and stay present moment.
We are here to help!

Coach Chris

Re: Does the program work for OCD just as well as anxiety?

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 9:19 am
by MirandaLey
Thank you coaches Janine and Chris. I am definitely going to keep doing this program. My therapist was impressed by it and it can only help ANYONE -- even people without anxiety disorders. My Mom is doing the program because she is 58 years old and has gone her whole life with low self-esteem... and that is not okay! I ordered her a workbook and have lent her my CDs because I have all the audio programmed on my iPhone.

It's already done a lot to help and I am so excited to see how else I will change and grow thanks to this amazing program. This Saturday I start Lesson 4 which will be a BIG deal for me -- I constantly think I "SHOULD" not have this problem, I "SHOULD" be strong enough to deal with it better... but guess what? I can't help that I have it, but I can help how I cope with it. And I will feel better! I already do. I am so thankful to this program and you wonderful coaches!

Re: Does the program work for OCD just as well as anxiety?

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 12:43 pm
by Snowden26
Hi Miranda,
I am new to the program (waiting for it to come in the mail). I have been facing Pure Obsessions (unwanted intrusive thoughts) followed by depression for about 6 months and I can say that I am right there with you in wanting to overcome my intrusive thoughts. What do you find helps you with your thoughts? I try to just let them come and accept them without letting myself get freaked out for having the thought. It is not always this easy though. Most of the time I feel so guilty and shameful for having these thoughts and then I feel depression on top of it all. Do you feel like the program has helped you out so far with your obsessive thinking? Thanks for your input.

Re: Does the program work for OCD just as well as anxiety?

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 1:23 pm
by coachjanine
Miranda. I can tell that you are so committed to the program and you are doing the work. You are only on lesson 4, and you are learning so much. Continue to follow the workbook as best as you can. And take one day at a time.

Hi Snowden!This is coach Janine. I am glad that the program is on its way to you. Congratulations for making the choice to overcome your anxiety and obsessive thinking! What you can do now, while you are waiting for the program is to just take a little notebook and make a little check in it every single time you have a negative thought. Once you start to pay attention to them, you will begin to catch yourself having them. Also remind yourself that you are the one who is making up the thoughts that are not true. All of us (especially those who have anxiety disorder) create weird and crazy thoughts in our minds. What the program will help you to do is learn to do is to dismiss the weird and crazy thoughts. They only become a big deal if YOU choose to make it a big deal. Feel free to email me at or send me a message through the forum...privately or just as a regular post!

Re: Does the program work for OCD just as well as anxiety?

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:41 pm
by Snowden26
Thank you for your response. I am anxious to get the program and get started. I am wondering how to present the program to my husband. He doesn't really understand my anxiety and my struggles. I know there is a bonus dvd in the program for loved ones. Is it any good? Will it be able to help my husband understand more about what's going on with me? My anxiety, depression, and ocd have been the hardest thing that our marriage has gone through and I am hoping that I will know how to apply this program to my fullest benefit. Is the program pretty easy to follow? It just needs to get here already,lol! I'm ready :lol:

Re: Does the program work for OCD just as well as anxiety?

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 7:30 am
by coachjanine
Hey Snowden. Yes! Absolutely. The CD will be a wonderful way for your husband to understand what you are going through. I bet he will support you even more, and appreciate how difficult this has been for you. You are on your way! The program IS easy to follow. Just take one session at a time, and spend a good week on each one before moving on to the next one. Lucinda will show you how to do that. Also, if you can exercise, begin to do that now. You will be amazed at how good it makes you feel if you commit to doing it regularly. I can't wait to hear how you do with it. Again, we are here for you.


Re: Does the program work for OCD just as well as anxiety?

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:11 pm
by MirandaLey
Hi Snowden,

First of all I want to say thanks to the input from the coaches so far, it means the world. You might not realize how much those few words mean but to someone who is going through this, it is much needed motivation and positivity.

Snowden I am just like you, I have OCD but it's pure obsession too, no compulsions. I did have compulsions earlier in life, but when I realized what I was doing and how silly it was I just stopped. But for me the obessive thoughts were hard. When I was 17 I had the obsessive thoughts that I would hurt someone, this led to panic attacks and depression. Then when I was 22 the same thing happened, but my obsessive thought was that I would never feel better again. Then it went away (my doctor put me on 20 mg of citalopram, which really helps with anxiety and the obsessive thoughts and depression). I weaned myself off of it last year during my pregnancy and it wasn't till this past June, when my daughter was about 10 months old, that this kick started again. What kick starts my OCD and anxiety and depression is big changes in my life that make me stressed -- at this point I was stressed about whether or not I should go back to work or be a stay at home mom -- a pretty huge decision! I started to feel anxious and depressed, and instead of starting the program right away I tried to ignore it, and then my OCD kicked in, and this time my obsessive thought was that I might kill myself. I made myself sick with these thoughts, and finally ordered the program. My doctor did put me back on the meds but I really think THIS PROGRAM is what has helped me to feel happy again, has helped me to feel like myself again (and I'm only on Lesson 4!!). Yes I'm sure the meds are helping, but they take six to eight weeks to kick in, and yet with the program I felt better much quicker.

I think the thing to focus on when you have OCD as well as anxiety is not, "Oh, I'm different than these people, this will be harder for me because I have OCD as well." This is NOT TRUE. Listen to what Lucinda says. She had obsessive thoughts about hurting people or herself -- JUST LIKE ME!! (I would also get scary blasphemous or sexual thoughts. This does NOT mean you are a bad person -- this simply means your brain processes things a bit different than others. So many people have OCD -- even famous people like Alec Baldwin, David Beckham, Justin Timberlake, Jessica Alba, Harrison Ford, the list goes on!!). So if it worked for her, I know it will work for me.

Take it in baby steps, and first and foremost PAT YOURSELF ON THE BACK and realize that just by ordering this program, you have done the strongest thing you've EVER done in your life. I have to tell you, this program has changed my life and I'm only on lesson four. I was bullied SEVERELY in school, constantly told I was ugly, stupid, etc. I was also verbally abused and emotionally abused as a child. Now, because of this program, I am FINALLY reclaiming the healthy self-esteem that is my birthright, that is everyone's birthright. And it is all because of this program. YES it takes hard work but YOU CAN DO IT.

What I find helps is to be SUPER organized. Now, because I have OCD, you're probably thinking I am very organized, but I'm not (just ask my husband, lol!). My house is a bit chaotic with a busy one year old, and I don't have obsessions over tidiness and order lol. But what helps me, is to print out the "put it into practice" assignments they give you in the program, for whatever week you're on, and read it every day, remembering to make a real effort to do the assignments. Take the time to do it. Take the time to journal, journalling is so important.

Come at this program with an open mind. Don't second-guess it. Don't analyze it. Don't view it as anything but the best thing that's ever happened to you. Honestly, it's hard, this is NOT the way we have programmed ourselves to think, but if you let go and let yourself do this (even though it won't feel natural at first, but you'll get there), this program will change your life. Do I still have times when I feel anxious, sad or have an obsessive thought? YES. But I'm only on Lesson 4. I have come such a long way and I'm barely 1/4 through this program. Imagine where I'll be at in a few weeks, a few months, and the good news is YOU can do it too.

It's very important that your husband be on the same page as you. Have him read some of these posts. Write him a letter with how you feel. Let him watch the I will Be there for You DVD. But most of all, know that you owe it to yourself to do this! God bless you and let's keep in touch on here! I believe in you!

Re: Does the program work for OCD just as well as anxiety?

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 5:42 pm
by Snowden26
I agree , lets keep in touch. I dont have anyone that I know that had ocd or intrusive thoughts so it helps to talk with you and hear what you have to say. Thank you for your thoughts on my situation. I do feel so alone in this. 6 months ago it just hit me like a ton of bricks. I started out having panic attacks and then it went to suicidal thinking. They prescribed me 4 different kinds of anti d"s in one month and they all didn't react with my body well at all. They all caused serious side effects so that resort was out. Then after the anti d's trials, my intrusive thoughts started. They came out of nowhere and were thoughts about harming my children. Now I still get reall obsessive thoughts about harming them , the "what if's" ya know. I would never hurt my kids or anyone else for that matter but the thoughts continue to flood in. I can't really tell when there bad or not as bad I just know they effect me more when I am bored or not distracted by something. Both of my kids go to school and I am unemployed so I have WAY TO MUCH free time to let my thoughts get rough. They are worse I've noticed when I am alone or alone with my kids.
I used to fight them pretty hard and now I just try to accept them and tell myself " your a good mom and you would never act on this aweful thoughts!!" Sometimes it works , sometimes it doesn't. I am glad to hear the high hopes for the program and how good it has been for you. I am REALLY excited about getting it and getting started. The only thing that the coaches have both suggested that I'm not already doing is exercise. I don't exercise and am not fond of it but if I knew that it really helped people with anxiety and depression I would do it. Do you exercise? Do you find that it helps? I guess running after our kids isn't considered exercise just running a muck:)
I am taking a medication classified as an anti phsycotic known as risperdone. They prescribed it to me 4 months ago for my intrusive thoughts. I feel like it does help but I would really like to not have to take it someday. I guess I have a problem with the stigma of having to take meds. Plus, I like to drink every now and then and this med prevents me from doing that. I guess it's like one more thing I liked to do that I feel like has been taken away from me due to my intrusive thoughts. Does that make sense? It's like my whole life has been turned upside down and now I experience depression I believe due to the intrusive thoughts and how much they distress me. I hate having thoughts that are harm or sexual content. I didn't even know ocd consisted of bad thoughts such those we've been discussing. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever really be able to get rid of them all together, or at least minimize them so they dont cause me to feel so aweful about myself. ya know.
Can't wait to start the program so we can talk about it. I'm 26 by the way. Nice to meet you!!