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Safe Person????

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 2:42 pm
by Want2bhappy
What does Lucinda mean by you are your own safe person? I am having trouble with this and am exaggerating that she means don't count on anyone else but yourself, you can't trust other people and that it is a negative thing to seek comfort in someone or to want to be around other people & to be happy with other people. Lucinda talks about going out with a positive friend & enjoying compliments from her husband & kids, so I am confused as to what she is meaning. Life would be very lonely if you couldn't or can't rely on other people or be dependent sometimes. Even writing this post I am thinking I am doing something wrong & shouldn't need help from others. Some clarification would be greatly appreciated

Re: Safe Person????

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 9:20 pm
by Iwillbebetter
I can totally understand your confusion. I beleive what she means is more, we can't be "reliant" on others to "make us feel better". Of course we all need "compliments" "pick-me ups" from others. We need good positive people in our lives... But we can't depend that when we are feeling bad those people will be the ones to make us feel better... we have to learn to do that to ourselves we have to be "our safe person"
that is at least what I got out of it... hope that helps...

Re: Safe Person????

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 4:10 pm
by Want2bhappy
Thank you Iwillbebetter :) Yes it does help. It is ok to depend, trust, rely & be around other people but you don't need to be around them or have them reassure you all the time, that you can reassure yourself that you are ok & this is just anxiety & it will pass.

Re: Safe Person????

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 7:45 am
by Iwillbebetter
You are most welcome, glad I could help :) Sounds like you got it :)
Often we feel that others are responsible for our happiness. We begin to "rely" on others for our happiness. Often we find one person or place that does this for us... we have turned them into our safe person/place....
Best of luck :)