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New to program

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 6:21 pm
by maa1984
I am new to the program and just starting session 1. I suffer from OCD and anorexia/bulimia, and hoping that this program will help with the root of these problems, which I believe is anxiety/depression. Just wondering if anyone who is further along in the program has experienced any relief??

Re: New to program

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:57 am
by livelife
Hi, i have suffered from a very deep depression and anxiety and recently got off of anti-depressants and still feeling depressed worse than ever actually but i chose this program instead of going back to any other anti depressant.
I just started yesterday too.
how is it working for you?

Re: New to program

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 11:05 am
by livelife
i've heard many stories that it DOES WORK!

Re: New to program

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:11 am
by Kona
I'm also new to the program and am hoping that
I will & can be a success story also?

Re: New to program

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:13 pm
by NeverQuit
You CAN be a success story! I think the key for me with my OCD has been the POSITIVE DIALOGUING, as well as putting up that STOP sign. Our obsessive thoughts are IRRATIONAL - if there was an answer for it, we would have found it! :) Keep working on the program, you may even have to go through the program a few times to really allow the skills to fully become part of your automatic response, but when we are in the middle of anxiety disorder, ANY difference in the RIGHT direction toward healing is a positive!!! So keep working hard, DON'T give up, this program is AMAZING, and I know that it has helped me TREMENDOUSLY in my life!!! Believe me!! :)

Re: New to program

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 4:20 pm
by Amare
You are not alone! =) I'm on week one of the program too. Hang in there! I know how lonely and terrifying it can feel. Feeling that you are the only one in the world that feels this way. But I promise you are not. There is hope and a light at the end of the tunnel. I know starting this program has been difficult for me. First, because its hard to trust the process and we just want everything all the feelings and thoughts to stop, instantly. And when they don't its frustrating. But, just remeber that people have overcome this, won the battle, so to speak. And we can too! Keep your head up and know you WILL pull through this. This is just the first step to the rest of your life. I don't know you but I know that if you have dealt with anxiety and depression and are here now, you are an incrediably strong person and you have all the strength to get through this. Trust & Believe. I'm right there with you=)