Losing my mind - Please help

Suffering from OCD? Post your history, experience, comments and/or suggestions
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Post by slm » Wed Nov 17, 2010 5:28 am

I went through the program about 7 years ago. It helped me immensely. But now I'm a FTM and had my daughter 3 months ago. A few days after we got home from the hospital, my husband went to the doc for a "bug bite" on his back and it turned out it was MRSA. He was on antibiotics and it healed. During that time, I went to get tested to see if I was colonized since I was around him and even touched the sore b/c he asked me to look at it. I was in fact colonized and I was put on a nasal ointment and have been retested since and I no longer have it. We had my daughter tested. She was negative. The dog was even tested. Negative. Now I'm thinking we should get the cats tested. This has COMPLETELY taken over my life. We rewashed every single item of clothing we own, sheets, blankets, etc. Shampooed the carpets several times. Bleached everything that could be bleached. Thew out some things that couldn't be bleached like notebooks, books, calendars, etc. Had the inside of our cars shampooed. The list goes on and on. But STILL I feel a lot of anxiety about MRSA. I worry that it's in my house. If anything touches the floor it is sanitized or washed or thrown away. If the dog rubs up against me, I change my clothes. I can't stop thinking about it, can't stop washing my hands and just generally worry that it's everywhere. I don't take LO anywhere and it's hurting my relationships - I drive my husband crazy and we fight about it sometimes. I get extreme anxiety when my mom comes over because she's always kissing my daughter and touching her hands and face and although I've told her many times, she tries to sit on the floor next to daughters swing and put her feet on the couch. Ugh. Anyone have any advice? My tapes (that's right, cassette tapes) are so old they won't play and I can't afford to purchase the program again. I won't take meds b/c my insurance is horrible and I can't afford it. Anything else that you find helps?? I really don't know what to do and I feel like I'm losing this precious time with my daughter.

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Post by Paisleegreen » Thu Nov 18, 2010 6:40 am

I understand where you are coming from. I've been really picky and worried about germs lately since last year when I got the flu two times. I put up flyers on the bathroom door and back kitchen door and my bedroom's bathroom door. I wanted the family or people to be aware that is it flue season and H1N1 was around then.

It appears that my first flu was probably H1n1, cuz I got it early in the fall then later got another flu and paid for the testing of just the regular flu, as H1N1 was costly.

Everything gives me the creeps! I know part of it is anxiety of realizing how much of life I have no control over! It is an awful feeling, but I've had some "shockers" happening to me that makes me feel that I have no control or say about things.

I did lose a son to suicide, but was on anti-depressants at the time before his death, so they just changed them. It wasn't until more changes happened later that I eventually weaned myself off of Wellbutrin and Xanax. (Xanax was used as I went off of Cymbalta while I was still on Wellbutrin.

Anyway, more things have happened, and here I am thanks to my sister sending me Lucinda's Intro CD. All I can say right now is that if you can exercise, easy aerobic type, like easy walking, not too energizing and eat tuna, lean ground beef, eggs, low fat milk, vitamins, and Omega 3's supplements this should help some.

Stay away from caffeine, little salt, little sugar, eat good fats, not the bad fats. This should help some.

You have time to be with your daughter, just tell yourself that and if you are a praying type person, pray for strength. Prayer helps me a lot.

If at all possible, tell you husband you are suffering from G.A.D. Generalized Anxiety Disorder. And he can help you by him remaining calm and reassuring, that arguing doesn't help you at this time.

Also, if it is really bad, a physician or Psychiatrist can prescribe to you Xanax. But if you can do without it, you are better off.

Is sounds like you just need to recover from this recent scare and that you have done all that you possibly can and leave it up Divine Providence or your Heavenly Father or Angels or whomever you believe to take care of you. You've done your part to be diligent, now it is your turn to have faith for the future.

P.S. I don't know what FTM means.

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Joined: Tue Oct 26, 2010 12:08 pm

Post by Momof2cuteboys » Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:00 pm

It will be okay. I do know that there is help if you do go see your doc/therapist and they want you to take meds for a bit or you want to take them for a bit. There is a program that you can get them discounted to even free for up to 3 months at a time. I've had to use the program when we were going through some difficult financial times as well. It was great! Just get in touch with me if you would like the information. Just remember to take time each day to meditate and breathe and to focus on the "now" not the past, or the future, but right now you know that everything is okay it is just your thinking that is making you feel like it's not. It will be alright...stay strong

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