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Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:04 am
by chango
Can you get to the point of high anxiety that you start developing bipolar disorder? I'm just to scared of developing any of these diseases like bipolar or schizophrenia.
any advice?

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:34 am
by Guest
Absolutely not.

Bi Polar is a mental disease.

Anxiety is an emotional disorder brought on by your own thoughts. You can change your thoghts
and recover from anxiety. Anxiety FEELS really bad. And you may feel like you are a mental case.
However, your feelings are brought on by your thinking. You are not what you think. Cognitive behaviorial thereapy does wonders.

Bi Polar is a genuine problem within itself. You can't cure it by changeing thought patterns but you might be able to help yourself some.
It generally will require medication. A very light case of it might not. But most of the time it will have to be treated with an anti-psychotic medication.

Sometimes anxiety and depression will require an anti depressant and anti-anxiety medication for a time. And sometimes doctor will tell you that you'll have to take that medicine all your life.
However, it is usually only until you liearn to apply the behavioral changes. (Like Lucinda's Program teaches.).

Schizophrenia is a mental disease. You don't have it. You see if you had that you wouldn't think any thing was wrong with you. People who have this don't think that they have anything.
It is always the other fellow or the world or whatever. They do not realize that they are sick. Do not worry about this at all.
But anxiety and worry and grief, none of those emotions can cause schizophrenia. It is a mental disease that you can't bring on yourself.
You simply cannot think yourself into that. This disease usually shows itself early on. You would never be aware of it. And never would you worry that you had it - if you did.

So just try to realize that all you have is an anxiety disorder and that you are going to get better. It won't kill you. You feel bad now.
But you can get over this.

Do you have the program?

Hang in there and think as postively as possible.

My best to you.

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 12:38 pm
by Guest
Chango, it is quite common to 'fear" 'going crazy" with anxiety. It's talked about, quite a bit, here on these boards. My greatest fear USED TO BE getting schizophrenia, until I continued with the program and discussed this 'fear" with many here, on this website. Please listen to 'Slender Reed" the post over and over. WE are emotional/sensitive's NOT a MENTAL ILLNESS(anxiety).

continue posting and doing the will be fine!

God bless you

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 9:49 am
by Guest
Thank you for your kind answers. This really helps a lot. I have the program and I've gone throuhg the tapes a couple of times. I'm still have not convinced my self that all it is is anxiety and nothing else but I'm trying. I'm exercising and doing all I can. I'm sure I'll get better some day.


Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 4:14 pm
by Guest
Yes chango you WILL get better. I have bi-polar and believe me the anxiety definitely makes those ups and downs of bi-polar much worse. Don't worry about it. I'm thankful I have anxiety med when I really need it but don't like to take it unless I have too.Keep exercising. That's a big problem for me. Im too up and down with that also.

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 5:02 pm
by Guest
Well, I haven't written in this section in a long time and I am sorry for that. When you get away from the Program, you find yourself relapsing. UI didn't think it would happen but it s so now I am back to all of my stuff I was doing when felt s mmuch better. I really think what triggers my anxuiety/depression isn't having a sufficient amount of money. I
got on SSI/SSDI in 2007 and it has helped me in some ways and hindered me in alot of ways. The reason
I got on it was because I was always losing jobs due to my anxiety problems, then losing my hearing and oroblems from a spinal fusion that I had at fifteen years of age. Well everything seems t be n goiod wirking order that is what the doctors' say, but still I always think there
is somethng wrong and possibly it is because I don't have my mind occupied enough. I know this is just a slip and I will give it 100% till
the finish line. By the way UI just turned 60 and look pretty good for my age. Any helpful advice I could surely use I have a friend who
is my age and is sufferng from bi-polar and try to help her with the thigs have learned in
this Program, but everyday is a different crises. She spends money uncontrollably and can't stop herself. She hasn't been able to work in four years and I was able to get her a
promo job and I am helping her to succeed, but I
find myself giving so much to her that I am slipping, so I need to cut back, god bless you all.

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 10:23 am
by Guest
hi chango i have a sister who is by polar! and although it seems like shes going throught the same things unfourtunatley she has to be on the meds for the rest of her life! because of that i thought that i to had the disorder but i don't and some of the things that happen to her happen to me but i know that its only the depression and anxiety! i think its hereditary but not brought on if that helps