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Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:54 am
by srcmama23
Hello im new to this site. Im very new to finding out what exactlys wrong with me. Right now im on paxil just started about a month ago for GAD OCD and depression. I have two kids. Ever since I can remember ive always had scary thoughts. I remember whenever i was pregnant with my first i always rub my tummy to resure things would go fine with the baby and pregnancy. I didnt do that with my second. My kids are 4 and 2 now. I dont think ppd would still be in me but i did just have a pregnancy that didnt go complete. I have always had weird images of bad things happening to my family. Like im scared i would harm my kids then im like why would I hurt them? they are my kids and i could never do that! I dont know why these thoughts wont go away! They scare me! Ever since I heard the story of the girl from flordia who killed her daughter, were the same age and so is our kids, and ive been scared ill end up going that way. I dont EVER want to harm my kids or anyone else. I really dont know what to do im on paxil and it seemed to be helping but i still get those thoughts. I dont know what to think i love my family so much and never want anything bad to happen.
Anyways thanks for taking time to read this!

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:15 am
by Donald W. Sautter
Hi ya Mama
My name is Don from Nebraska. I have a two page letter of how the Lord Jesus saved me. You can request a copy at my e-mail adress
Love heals your heart!!!!
Tears for Jesus Ministry

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 5:40 am
by Kami1095
hey- a lot of us are going through the same thing. there are a couple of forums in this ocd section you should check out. i think they will make you feel much better and give you some insight into exactly what is going on. the mind is an interesting thing...just because you have the thoughts doesnt mean you want to have them or are that scary person.
for example, im afraid of elevators. when i get in one i picture terrible the cables the doors opening up in between floors, like the lights going out and feeling trapped in a dark box....i think those things because im afraid of those things, not because im desiring them to happen. i think the more we are afraid of something the more our brain likes to haunt us with it sometimes. and part of being an anxious person is that we are typically analytical and try to solve whats happening and figure it all out.

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 6:37 am
by EddyJ
hey mama,

Just like Kami said, what you are going through millions go through. There are some great topics on this forum. The fact that they scare you is an obvious fact that you would never desire any of these thoughts to happen. I have scary thoughts of hurting others with knives because I have seen so many stories on the news and such.

I really recommend a book called The Imp of the Mind- by DR. Lee Bauer.
He explains the history of scary thoughts and theories about why we have them. Knowledge is very comforting. The book is divided into different chapters, and has chapters on mothers fearing they may hurt children. I think you will find it very comforting to read and you will understand the clear difference between people who actually do things like that, and kind compassionate anxious people who would never harm anyone, like yourself.

Here is a great link to an article by DR. Steven Philipson called " thinking the unthinkable"

Some others suggested this on a topic and it is very wonderful

this next link is a video by the same doctor at a presentation with other doctors.

It may cause some anxiety, but It provides so much comfort because it is a doctor in this field explaining what most of us are going through.

Hope this helps you as much as it helped a lot of us

Take care,

Eddy J