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Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 5:22 pm
by BethDyess
Since these anxiety attacks/ panic attack started I have developed OCD.

I cannot go to a place and eat food unless I know it has been cooked to temp.

I cannot even eat beef out. I have to cookit myself and take the temp myself to make sure it is ok.

My hands have to be washed several times a day. My bar soap has to be shaved. The reason is I don't want anyone elses germs on my face.

In stores I won't touch the cart with my hands. I will not allow my kids to go into a pharmacy incase there is a virus in there.

My life wasn't always this way. I used to just go all over and do all kinds of things.

For awhile I was an animal foster but I stopped after a calf died. I got terrified that it had some disease.

Since then I started Vet Ast classes and found out the calf never had it's mothers milk because it was a bi product of the milk industry. So the odds were stacked against this calf before it arived. I also found out that many calves do not make it.

But i swore when I did have the calf that it had some major disease.

My obsessions have even been worse. See one time about a year ago I went house hunting. I walked into a house and there were chains in the floors of the house. They were there for guard dogs. It was in rough area of town and most likely used to drugs.

Well I started having a panic attack in the house because I thought I somehow got residue from a drug or something.

See I didn't know what a panic attack was then I just thought the symptoms of dizziness, and heavy hands meant I had gotten into something bad.

My heart rate shot up as well at that time. So I became addicted to checking my pulse, and blood pressure.

I would even check my pulse when I was with my husband. Continually scared my heart would stop.

The passed coulpe of weeks after getting the workbooks and such I am able to see that my thoughts are alot like some of the other people on the tape.

I am about to get 3 horses to foster and got 2 goats last week. Hopefully I can overcome this by not quitting. By pressing on and standing up to the fears.

As long as I take the right precautions and such everything should be ok.

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:20 am
by mmwillie928
hey Beth, i just wanted to let you know that i also have dealt with OCD. it started for me when i was 12. i am 29 now, and i feel like it isnt as bad as it was when i was younger, part due to medication and part due to doing some of the program so far. i just wanted to send you encouragement cause i know that what you are describing, the program will help you with that. i see that you posted this in Nov, so you are prob on your way. so caongrats and keep up with taking care of yourself.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 9:48 am
by BethDyess
Yes many things have changed since I posted this. Thankyou though for commenting. It is nice to see others thoughts and encouragment.

Hugs to you.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 2:58 pm
by noname_2520
Hi, I've also had OCD. Now it's not so bad. At times I can control it at other times It just happens. I got to the point when i was in the psych. ward-hospitalized for this and for severe depression. The nurse wanted to monitor my heart rate and they put all these wires on my chest and one on my heart and I wouldn't let them for fear my heart would stop and when they tried i would hit them and then I would spend most of my time checking my heart beat and pulse. And I had to constantly lock my doors in a right technique i had to do every night. Now I'm battling with seeing who goes past my home-I'm constantly looking outside and locking my doors, etc systematically. What helped me concour most of the severe OCD was reading the Word Of God and memorizing:: The LORD forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases" and "The LORD heals me the brokenhearted and binds up all my wound" for he created my inward parts in the depth of my mother's womb and He knows my every thought from afar and He knows when I sit and when I need to rest.... Psalm 103:3, Psalm 147:3 and from Psalm 139. I've been personalizing God's promises into my personal affirmations. And when the bad thoughts of my kids come up i do the same. Hope this will help you. Take Care. May God Bless you immensely, Enlarge your territory,May His Almighty hand be upon you and keep you from evil in Jesus' name-amen. Graciously Jupiter7 :)