My boss is OCD and took it out on me.

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Post by drg » Sat Jul 05, 2008 5:01 pm

Yesterday my boss called me and proceeded to lecture me to the 3rd degree on my cell phone. She was really mad. The problem is that I don't think that what I did was wrong. But, now I'm basically walking on eggshells because I'm afraid of what she might do next. Not good for my anxiety.

What happened was that a volunteer (her daughter) had promised to help out twice a month where we work. She doesn't have a good track record of showing up. So, she was supposed to come on the 4th of July and I hadn't heard from her. We're short-handed in our department (my assistant called in sick for a week and then quit, so we're way behind on everything), so I really needed this volunteer to help us out. Anyway, because of the holiday, I didn't want her to feel like she HAD to show up if she had plans with her family or something. So, I called her at work to ask her how she was doing (she was sick last Friday with bronchitis) and see what her plans were for the day. Well, somehow, her mom found out that I had called and she didn't like it. She told me to "never" call her daughter at work--use her cell phone. I thought, being it was a business-related activity and a holiday, I didn't want to use her cell phone, in case she had the day off. But, my boss saw it otherwise. To top it off, my boss wouldn't let me tell my side of the story at all. Also, her daughter showed up, helped me out tremendously and seemed quite happy with the situation. So, I'm not sure what to do. I'm afraid to see my boss on Monday. I've also decided that I will NEVER call her daughter on any pbone for any reason.

Very strange situation. Thank you for any thoughts or input that you might have.


Post by Guest » Sat Jul 05, 2008 8:04 pm

Hi drg,

It sounds as if your boss was having a bad day and you just happened to be the one that got the blunt of it. You made the decision to call her work unknowing it was the wrong decision in your boss's eyes. Come Monday, if the issue rises again, try to explain to her again why you did what you did. When it comes to work and family, they don't combine well. It is very nice for her to volunteer, but she could of called to let you know she would be late. Next time, don't call or rely on her. It has put you in an anticipatory anxiety pickle!


Post by Guest » Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:48 am

Thanks, Belinda, for responding. It helps just to know somebody read what I wrote and cared enough to answer.

I'm trying not to get into the anticipatory anxiety thing over it, because I have enough of that in my life right now (daughter engaged to somebody who's not always treating her right, oldest son just deployed to Afghanistan this past week and my youngest son is leaving for college, a 13-hour drive away, in August). So, anxiety about my job is about the LAST thing I need right now. I work in a nursing home/rehab center and truly love my job. I enjoy being with the residents. Normally, the staff situation is good, too. But, Friday was a different story.

I liked your wording, about the anticipatory anxiety pickle. That's about what I feel like has happened--I've been pickled!

Take care.

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