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Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 1:59 pm
by Naustin
Alright all my OCD suffers. I need some comfort. Usually I control my OCD better but lately it has gone into overdrive. I have had A LOT of stress lately. We are also moving and I do not deal well with change. I am having every OCD thought you can imagine. I have actually started to fear that the new house we are buying may be haunted. (Yes I know crazy) We are going from living in a neighborhood to a house with 5 acres in the country (Big change) It is really getting to me. I am excited but sooooo scared of everything that is happening. And the latest fear (the house being haunted) is really freaking me out. I mean where did that come from?????? lol Man our mind will go anywhere to scare the poop out of us. Well guys and gals I guess I am just looking for some reassurance. My OCD usually revolved around the fear of going crazy so this new one has thrown me for a loop. Thank you!!!!

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:31 am
by EddyJ
Hey Naustin,

You self-awareness is reassurance in itself. You realize it is your obsessive thinking and that is a start. What helps me out which I was not too comfortable with before is acceptance. " So what if your house really is haunted?" When you start to puzzle your "imp" by allowing the thoughts and creating more questions with sillier thoughts like.

What If my house is haunted? Maybe I should put out extra dinnerware for the guest? What would a ghost even eat? Peach cobbler maybe? No carb diet maybe? well they better pay for half the utilities bill. Humor really works.

I know I find it difficult to find humor sometimes while I am having thoughts, but I can always find humor in the power of a thought. Or should I say the power we give a thought.

Anyone would be anxious at moving into a new place. But out in the country with that much land, that sounds like quite the scenery. I live out in the city and often crave that peaceful slower paced small town/country life.

Spending time outside and writing helps as well. Hang in there and remember It is only anxiety and obsessive thinking, try not to turn it off, let it be and enjoy your new home

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:57 am
by Charlie Brown
Stress, even positive stress from a new house, can spark OCD thoughts.

Just from your writing, it's definitely those pesky OCD thoughts and not that you're going to go insane.

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 2:10 pm
by Naustin
Thank you!!! I really needed some reassurance I had gotten my anxiety under control for a while and with a lot going on and the move it has gotten really bad lately. It is always really nice to hear from others (friends) that its okay and all is still normal.

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 5:46 pm
by joshshope

I can relate to the OCD thoughts with excitment also. But one thing I would do is to say to yourself that the thought is "irrational" not "crazy". Telling yourself that it's crazy could lead ourselves into anxiety. Ask yourself what are you really afraid of?

I wish you clarity and strength of the mind, body and spirit. Take Care.

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 1:38 am
by tweaky1h
I used to fear my house was haunted too. When we moved into my house, it was the culmination of an extremely stressful time in my life. Two years before, I had my first child and my husband got the dream job he's always wanted. Unfortunately it meant we had to move somewhere we had no friends or relatives. It turned out to be an unfriendly small town not welcoming to strangers. There I was alone with a new baby, and then at one of my son's appointments the doctor said he suspected he had Spina Bifida! Anyway, after many stressful tests, that was ruled out, and then my husband got fired from his dream job. So there we were, alone in an unfriendly town with no job! So, we scraped what little money we had left and moved back to where we started and moved into an apartment which was less than ideal. Once my husband got another job, we set out to buy a new house and hopefully "live happily after". The search was stressful but exhilerating, and finally we landed our house, which fit our criteria pretty well.

Then we learned we had the neighbor's from hell...drugs, too many cats and dogs (not cared for), brother in and out of jail whose parole stipulated he had to live there, deterioration of house, lawn not cared for, too many (feral) kids, driveway crammed with cars, and an uncared-for pool in the backyard that served as a mosquito breading pond.

One day, I was talking to the neighbor and he casually mentioned that one of the previous owners of my house, died in it. Well, there you you know most OCD thoughts are really distractions we use to keep from thinking of what's really bothering us. After that, whenever I felt a cold draft, or bump in the night, or something wasn't where I thought it should be...there was my ghost.

To make a long story short, the problem neighbors ended up getting foreclosed on by the bank and left. Someone bought the house and fixed it up and now I have wonderful neighbors. And guess what? I almost never think about my "ghost problem" the unlikely event I do, it doesn't scare me at all. In fact, I now think of him as a guardian angel of the house.

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 12:45 pm
by Naustin
Josh and tweaky THANK YOU!!! I know my thoughts are irrational but I think we can all agree that when an OCD thought has taken hold it is pretty hard to think straight. I try to self talk. I thank everyone for there valid suggestions! They really have helped.