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Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 11:33 pm
by Stopping The Madness
I may be getting ahead of myself right now becuase I am still on the first session of the program. But I know I suffer from ocd. Like if there is something laying out I didn't put away and I realise it I cant do anything until I move it, or a cupboard door that is open. I have to close it when I realize it. I also have ocd with thinking about doing hurtful things to people like stabbing or beating someone. I don't think I could ever bring myself to doing it but the thought bothers me. And I check 2 or 3 times if a door is locked or the stove is off, or I feel even if something is unplugged and I have something on top of it something will still tragecally happen. or I sometime have a hard time throwing something away and I end up getting a collection of stuff I dont need it it makes me anxious where I will get rid of it or not know what to do with it. Im afraid I get it from the past and family issues and issues of losing things in the past. do I sound like a lune. Is there any helpful suggestions I can learn to do to reduce these anxiety's??? I would really like to get over all of this....

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:01 am
by Guest
Just keep working through the program. I am sure you'll see positive changes in the weeks ahead. It sound slike your OCD is really a manifestation of your anxiety...about being safe (the locked door, stove, etc.), letting go (how you hold onto things), and general fear of failure. Don't worry that the OCD session is further down the road - each session has its own merit and builds upon the last stabliizing you and helping you to grow and change.

And of course, you can always come in here to get support! We're all in this together! :)

Best to you,

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:34 am
by Guest

I am the same with my OCD to the tee of what you described, I just started the program not too long ago...These thoughts of hurting others really scares me, I even often wonder What if I hurt myself, too.....It sucks.....Hope to hear from you soon....
