Obsession about no one caring.

Suffering from OCD? Post your history, experience, comments and/or suggestions
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Joined: Fri Sep 22, 2006 2:42 pm

Post by Boon » Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:04 am

Because we are so sensitive a helpful technique when you are talking to others is to put up a brick wall between the two of you and this will allow the words to bump off of that wall. (THIS IS NOT ABOUT BEING COLD AND DISTANT. It's about being neutral so that you are unaffected by the words spoken.) I use a thick wood wall. I also use this for my own thoughts that may be negative or scary. It just allows them to come so far and then that's it. We are such sponges, so to speak, and we need to use whatever tools are available to us. You don't need to let people hurt you in anyway. Since we obsess about what has been said you can also put that wall up after the original conversation and continually see the words bouncing off the wall. Because you are no longer emotionally engaged you can see things better for what they really are.

Reaffirm your wonderfulness all the time and always remind yourself that YOU CAN HANDLE IT!
"Life is not about comfort. It is about living." Dr. Howard Liebgold

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