obsessive thoughts that just won't stop

Suffering from OCD? Post your history, experience, comments and/or suggestions

Post by Guest » Wed Jan 09, 2008 2:17 pm

Well I can say I have had these types of thoughts off and on for about a year now. They come and go...and for me the ones that bother me the most stick around the longest...but in the end they pass by once you realize you won't act on it. I have been scared many times and referred to chapter 10, just for reassurance. The first time was with knives and thoughts about hurting people. The first time was the scariest. I asked my doctor and he said it is just a form of OCD. I felt strange when I told my doctor about these thoughts. I was expecting a reaction like "we're going to lock this guy up" but he just dismissed it as part of anxiety. So when you get that type of reaction and know you're not going crazy it allows you to relax a little. Now I haven't figured out how to eliminate them...but I can deal with them much better.
Good luck.........Ed


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 09, 2008 6:03 pm

Hello Heist.

You are not going to do those things. If you were you'd probably have done them by now. I've been through exactly what you are describing. They are just thoughts, only thoughts. You are not going to do things just because you think them. Keep telling yourself that they are only thoughts and that you are okay, because you are. I use to be terrified because I had thoughts of hurting people that I love. I never did anything bad to any of them.

Anxiety feeds on fear. The more afraid you get, the worse your body symptoms and fears become. When you stop being afraid, the anxiety lessens and goes away.

It's difficult in the beginning and you might not even believe it when you say positive things to yourself. But the more you talk positively to yourself, the more you will believe what you say, and then the anxiety will start to go away because you wont be afraid of it anymore.

Try it and let me know when you start feeling better. I know you will get through this. You are stronger than you think.

Take care. DeeDee.


Post by Guest » Thu Jan 10, 2008 2:46 pm

Hi angelisa - I also suffer with scary OCD thoughts. The latest was when I heard on the news that some weird guy cut off his own hand and microwaved it because he thought it had the mark of the beast. Well, my brain just took off. I hid all the knives and sharp things out of view because I was convinced I would do it any moment and kept seeing myself doing it over and over in my mind! It has been terrifying! This is just one tiny example of a "broken record" of OCD thoughts; they are absolutely terrifying and don't let go of you; you are literally seized by fear and sometimes cannot function as a result.

I've used a VERY effective technique to battle them. My therapist has me do "thought records". it goes something like this.
Step 1: write down the scary/negative thought.
step 2: write down how it makes you feel.
step 3: write down the supporting evidence.
step 4: write down evidence that refutes.
step 5: re-write the thought in light of the evidence.
step 6: write how this new thought makes you feel.

It is a lot of work, I think, but worth the time and effort. I keep a little memo pad with me at all times, because I get attacked/seized by terrifying OCD at random often inappropriate times.

Here is an example of how the thought record might work with your finger down the throat OCD-
step 1: the scary or negative thought- I am about to put my finger down my throat out of my control and suddently I'll have an eating disorder.
step 2: how this thought makes me feel- I feel scared, weak, out of control and crazy.
step 3: supporting evidence- I keep thinking about putting my finger down my throat and can't stop.
step 4: refuting evidence- I don't have an eating disorder and never have. I think throwing up is gross and I wouldn't really do this to myself. I am scaring myself even further by entertaining and indulging in this repetitive thought.
step 5: new thought- I am very scared by the idea/vision of putting my finger down my throat but I have been here before with other scary thoughts and lots of other people have too.
step 6: how the new thought makes me feel-slightly less frightened and more aware of the true significance of this thought is. I know eventually it will pass and I'll feel better.

Another exercise you could practice is the thought you have that you are burdening your husband. If he is your husband, then he loves you and has a ready ear. Don't suffer alone. If you aren't comfortable talking with him, come back to the board. We're here.


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 29, 2008 3:32 am

Dee Dee,

How can we be so sure that we won't act on them? Some days I am in tears because I am tired of feeling like this.


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:25 am

Have you ever acted on your obsessive fears before? Probably not. Well, that's how you know that you will never act on them. You can trust that. Remind yourself of this daily. A very good way to let go of feeling how you feel is to work with someone who knows and understands exposure therapy.

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Post by hopehound » Sun Mar 09, 2008 4:41 pm

hello all,
It's Angelisa again. i havent checked in in a while because i have really been battling these scary thoughts same one about putting my finger down my throat which scares me to death once again i do not and have not had an eating disorder or poor self image thas what makes it even more confusing. I have been seeing a holistic pychiatrist that is treating me with vitaminsand fish oils but they are taking too long to work i am so frustrated. one morning i was so upset i almost did it thking thta that would make the thought go away but luckily i didn't i put my finger in the backof my mouth and then i got scared i do not want to develope an eating disorder i told the Dr and he said that if i do it it will leave an "inprint" in my mind with the ocd i also spoke with my therapist and she said not to then on a later sessionn she told me to but i didnt i'm glad i didnt. i have been having this same thought for three months now. my therapist has suggested meds im afraid of meds but i am tired of living my life like this every single moment. Please give some advice i'm at my witts end

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Post by Willow5 » Sun Mar 09, 2008 5:25 pm

HI Angelisa, I think the previous people have given you some great advice. I used to have obsessive thoughts while I was driving. It would make me crazy. I was afraid of them, constantly trying to run from them and it seemed the more I tried, the more vivid they became. I finally decided to to change my negative what if thinking into positive what if thinking. I answered my own questions about what would happen IF I were to do all the things I feared the most while driving. As time passed, I realized that my fears were irrational and unfounded. I really think the key to the fear is to just face it. Stop trying to run away, stop fearing it, stop letting it control your life. YOU are in charge. Take small steps to change your thinking, all the while knowing that you are creating your bad thoughts. I know it doesn't seem like that at the time but it is true.
The scariest thoughts I have ever had are the ones that told me to hurt my kids. Talk about scary. I blamed that one on the meds I used to take and thank GOd was able to think rationally enough to know not to act on it. You can overcome this, stay positive, take baby steps in changing your thinking to positivity, it truly works.

Posts: 243
Joined: Sat Nov 04, 2006 5:34 pm

Post by hopehound » Mon Mar 10, 2008 8:18 am

hey thanks jk55 i can use all of the help you have to offer. I am totally going to try the suggestions that you gave. I will overcome this!!


Post by Guest » Mon Mar 10, 2008 8:20 am

Also does anyone take Zoloft I would love to hear some positive feedback on this med. I am seriously thinking about trying it i heard it helps i was just scared to take it. thanks

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