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Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 4:39 pm
by Mimi:)
Hey all! I think I asked this questions a few months back but am going to try again. Does or has anyone taken Luvox to treat OCD? I read that it is supposed to be good for treating OCD. I currently take prozac, and it is helping to keep the panic at bay, and lessening the overall anxiety a little, but doesn't seem to be helping to obsessing too much. I take just 20 of prozac but tried to take more and it seems to make anxiety worse?

If you take or have taken luvox, what kind of side effects have you had? Thanks.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 2:36 am
by Jmana
I take Paxil for my OCD, but I am going to try to ween off of it. It has worked great for me for 8 years, but I have gained alot of weight from it. I'm hoping to do alot of reading and research on OCD and use that as power to fight against it. I would love to be off med's. Luvox is in the same family as paxil. I heard it works good for OCD.


Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:55 am
by Celeste1
I took Luvox for a year for OCD. I stopped b/c it made me tired. I took it at night before bed but I'd still wake up feeling extremely sleepy. Aside from that, I didn't have ANY other side effects and it worked WONDERS for my OCD! I now take Lexapro and it keeps the obsessions in check but not as great as the Luvox did.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 2:17 pm
by Mimi:)
Thank you both!

Julie~ Please post if you find anything good. I too would love to be med free. I tried Paxil for a while too, but I felt super tired on it.

Celeste~ Thanks for the input. Its so hard to decide what you'd rather deal with. I'd love for my obessiveness to quiet down, but have a bunch of kids and can't afford to be tired all day. Paxil did that to me so I stopped it.

Thanks again.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 7:02 pm
by It will turn around:)
I took it i believe in 94'. Mademe very tired also. Did not like the groggy feeling.

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 8:22 am
by searching1975 daughter takes Luvox. 50mg. She is 13 and has OCD...just like me. She says that the med does not stop the ocd, but really helps her keep it in control. She can get a thought and push it away. However, she still seems anxious. I myself take Zoloft. 100mg. and I love it. It really seems to calm me down, helps with the panic attacks, and my pure 0..OCD.
God Bless! :) Kelly

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 5:05 pm
by rachel_56
Hello People
I have been on 300mg of luvox for the past 3.5 years. i have in the past 2 months lowerd the dose to 200mg per day.
I am on this drug for OCD and depression, although it has helped cut my OCD by i think about 80%, i dont think it has every done anything for my depression , i feel my depression getting alot worse i have now quiet my job a few weeks ago and dont really want to leave the house to much???
I want to come off luvox coz i think its making my depression worse and i have put on a ALOT of weight.
When i forget to take it for a day or two i feel awful and connot function well at all.
Anyonehave any advice for coming off meds?
Rachel , Australia

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 2:47 pm
by Eduard
[QUOTE]Originally posted by rachel_56:
Hello People
I have been on 300mg of luvox for the past 3.5 years. i have in the past 2 months lowerd the dose to 200mg per day.
I am on this drug for OCD and depression, although it has helped cut my OCD by i think about 80%, i dont think it has every done anything for my depression , i feel my depression getting alot worse i have now quiet my job a few weeks ago and dont really want to leave the house to much???
I want to come off luvox coz i think its making my depression worse and i have put on a ALOT of weight.
When i forget to take it for a day or two i feel awful and connot function well at all.
Anyonehave any advice for coming off meds?
Rachel , Australia

Hi Rachel,
I have been on luvox for a couple of years, and suspect that the arthritis that appeared a year ago was the side effect of the luvox. Among other side effects include uncontrolled movement/kicking, heart palpitation and dry mouth.

Ed... Toronto

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:41 pm
by heisthegreatphysician
I tried Luvox and got extremely agitated on it, Things came out of my mouth that would make a truck driver;)