im way over analyzing im so scared PLEASE HELP

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Post by TAYLORHIGBEE » Thu Sep 11, 2008 6:04 pm

im way over analyzing to the point where i think of everything scientific like what really is a human body? its so complex that thinking about it gives me panic attacks...and my soul? i dont want to be this like blob of energy and i believe in god and all but since im thinking so much its making me question a afraid that evolution is real or reincarnation or im afraid im going to become possessed and im so scared that its over whelming me...
and idk its almost to the point where im afraid of everything and everyone and i just wanna scream and run and hide please help :[


Post by Guest » Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:20 pm

Ok honey, STOP. I know it's hard to stop but you have to try and relax! Do you have the relaxation tape? If so, listin to it! You know you are doing this to yourself. So tell your self " I'm not doing this anymore! I need to give myself a break and try to relax." If you can make yourself feel this way you can also make your self feel better!

Carolyn Dickman
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Post by Carolyn Dickman » Thu Sep 11, 2008 10:54 pm

i know exactly what your talking about..! EXACTLY!!! but you know now i have those thoughts and i just ignore it!! don't pay too much attention too it..! the trick to mnd control i relaxation..! bcoz this anxiety is due to us being VERY TENSE!!! so while we are relaxed we can not be anxious...! please try some relaxtion..! before mind relaxation comes body..which most of us forget.. so if you find it hard to thing about nothing...just concentrate on relaxing the body. top to toe. this really helped me. it actually helped me take better control of these took time for me to understand this. so even if you dont see results in your relaxation..PLEASE PLEASE just keep at it..! IT REALLY just have to stick to it. read if you can books by claire weekes. that helps as well. Just remember this is ALL ANXIETY nothing..more..and you know what EVERYONE has these thought..even if you go back before your anxiety you'll properly remember that you had these thought but you never reallyworried about it like you do now..! the only difference is we WORRY!!! good luck! hope this helps!

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Post by Craw » Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:51 am

Put up that stop sign! Just S-T-O-P. You've had enough already. Knock it off. You DO have control over this. Tell yourself to stop. That's it. No more. Take your focus to your breath. Focus your complete attention on the air going in and the air moving out. As you notice slow it all down. You don't have to breathe deeply. That will come naturally as you calm down. Your mind will slow down as you slow your breath down. Now get yourself busy with something in the present moment. Go dig in the yard, garden. Take a walk and notice what is around you. Once you get yourself out of your head you will begin to see the forest for the trees. Now it is up to you to keep yourself out of your head as much as possible. When thoughts try to claim you again just go back to noticing your breath. You'll soon gain control.

Bless you. You will not go crazy. It just feels that way, but nothing bad will happen to you. You are safe. Hold a doll and comfort her.
Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.
~John F. Kennedy


Post by Guest » Fri Sep 12, 2008 3:08 pm

im not quite sure what youre afraid of


Post by Guest » Fri Sep 12, 2008 4:28 pm

I soooo know what you mean! I've had weird thoughts like that, my sister's entire anxiety stuff was based on only that kind of stuff.

Your mind is just in overdrive. I know that it feels really scary (believe me, I KNOW! I used to think about living forever in the 4th grade and it would scare me to death!), but it's just thoughts.

Take care and know that you are not alone,

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