Can someone help me with a intense o.c.d?

Suffering from OCD? Post your history, experience, comments and/or suggestions
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roger corman
Posts: 1
Joined: Sun Jul 13, 2008 4:46 pm

Post by roger corman » Sun Jul 13, 2008 10:05 am

Hiya everyone. hope all are well!

I need some help as I have come to a road block with this one.

Basically I have had osocial anxiety and o.c.d for many years.

Although I can manage with some o.c.d like checking re checking ect, ther eis another o.c.d which is runing my social and daily life.

I keep finding myself staring in a intense way. For example when i am i am outside or amongst people but even when alone.

Sometimes I know it is in my head(over worring) and other times I know it is me doing it.

I find myself blinking alot..and pulling these intense expressions(looking very stressed out or lost) paraniod ect.
and a few times people have said whats wrong-why r u looking paraniod or worried?

if i am on a train then i keep my head down and do so no one will notice..and it is very annoying because now-when i go out-i worry more about that then my social anxiety:)

please can anyone help? maybe u may have had these experiences?

If so can anyone give me advice on techniques or cds ect that can help?

It's making me feel really sad and down:(

Much appricated for any help or advice.


trust in yourself. believe in yourself and forgive were made to succeed:)


Post by Guest » Wed Jul 16, 2008 3:01 am

Hi Marney,

I can completely relate. I was diagnosed with OCD about 2 years ago now and am still on medication. I have the program and it has literally saved my life. I can honestly say those tools (well most) have become second nature to me. I am a much much healtier person now. However, I do remember how hard of a place it is to be in. BUT what I relized was my OCD had become an obsession of its own.. I analysed my OCD to the point of circles and now looking back I put myself there by lettin my thoughts control me. There are 3 major things I did that helped immensley besides practising the program:

1. Get out there.. when you feel you puttin your head down or blinking too much, simply do the opposite, relax, use that positive self talk, it really works, pretend you are looking in at yourself, what wuld you say? nice things.. experience everything openly as hard as it is in the beginning it gets easier.

2. Try and forget you have OCD, anxiety, all of it. Seriously pretend you have no real thoughts, keep yourself in the momment by asking yourself things like whats around me? what do I smell? and when those thoughts creep in change it to something silly like a purple pokadotted cow driving the train.. know what I mean? bad thoughts are a distraction away from stress try and distract yourself with funny thoughts..

3. use the term "i will worry about that later" " I will think about that later".. and make time to worry at the end of the day..

I hope something here helps.. feel free to PM if you ever need to vent or chat. Best of luck and know you arent alone and there is tons of light at the end of the tunnel.. pull up those socks and keep on keeping on!

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