Blasphemous thoughts - please help!!

Suffering from OCD? Post your history, experience, comments and/or suggestions
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Post by James1986 » Wed Oct 07, 2009 8:07 am

I have talked to a councelor last week and this week and it does help and most of all he's a christian, his name is Larry Snapp and can be reached by the phone you can give him a email and he will call you, he is a good man and helps you see who you really are, I would deffently seek a councelor I wish I would have done this 2 years ago.

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Post by Shifrah » Wed Oct 07, 2009 8:25 am

Way to go James! :)

**doing the happy dance**

It is so wonderful you took this step! You are really getting helpful and more importantly *experienced* help with your new counselor/therapist. He sounds like a perfect fit for your needs.

While most of us can identify and understand what you are going through, we cannot help you the same way that a professional, with years of experience helping others like yourself, can help you.

I'm so happy for you! Please keep us posted.

If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

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Post by mel23 » Wed Oct 07, 2009 9:02 am

Thanks for your response james, wish me luck. better yet please keep me in prayer,

Chief Crazy Horse
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Post by Chief Crazy Horse » Tue Oct 13, 2009 10:13 am

I have not read all the replys, but that's why you're here, because you have a problem...OCD/whatever. If you do this program it will will work. I can' say it enough....:)

pam karges
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Post by pam karges » Fri Oct 16, 2009 12:55 pm

I'm sure glad to see all your responses. I've fought this for almost a year. scaring myself with negative thoughts about God or Jesus, or scripture.

I think its our minds way of keeping our adrenaline level--like an alcoholic who has it in his bloodstream and keeps drinking to keep the same level his body is used to.

anyway I think someone said to just call them OCD thoughts and say God, I know you understand and love me. I'm in Your Grace and Love.

Do you think that will work? I'm new here and I sure am comforted to know that its not just me,
phil 3 this one thing I do forgetting what lies behind, I press On to what Christ has laid hold of for me.

Dianne Radford
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Post by Dianne Radford » Sat Oct 17, 2009 8:15 am

Dear worrywoman, Realize that these thoughts are ocd thoughts. They don't represent how you really feel about God. And the good thing is that He knows that you have ocd. He doesn't want you anxious for He tells us so in His Word. Realize that these are not the real you and that God knows the real you. If you ask forgiveness after every thought, you will probably be praying most of the day if they come real often. But you don't have to ask for forgiveness for something you can't help. God knows you can't help them. After a while, I think they will lose their power over you. Remember God loves you, ocd and all.

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Post by Worrywoman » Sat Oct 17, 2009 1:39 pm

Dianne, thank you for your kind words, I am having the thoughts right now but they're not keeping me from reaching out to all of you dear people in this forum. I pray for us all and feel so scared 100% of the day. I keep thinking that one day I will snap out of this, but its been 4 years now and I feel so hopeless, then guilt overpowers me by feeling this way because I know God saves us! Such a vicious cycle; prevents me from living in the moment, but I am living and learning from all of you! Thank you all, prayers go to you!!!!

Chief Crazy Horse
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Post by Chief Crazy Horse » Sun Oct 18, 2009 10:42 pm

I believe in God, and I believe in this program too. When I can come on here if I'm not 100%, I see other new people where they are at and 85-95% feels like a million :)

Have you finished the program?

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Post by James1986 » Mon Oct 19, 2009 3:10 am

If you really want help you need to email Larry Snapp, he understands and will help you!!! this is his address, he will not talk over emails, all he will do is ask if you want 2 talk. This is what he did with me but after he called me, he helped, and he can get you in touch with other people to. He even helps people in Germany.

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Post by Insp » Sun Oct 25, 2009 4:00 am

It's October 23, 2009, and I come back to this blog to see how others are dealing with this issue. It has eased up, but then it attacks again. I try to remember what some of what people have posted has said. It is like a constant battle with my thoughts. I can even feel sometimes the struggle. It's like a war. I wish I knew where it came from and why me? It's been a year, and I'm still trying to get my control back. I really hate it when people say curse words, because it gets into my spirit now, and I have to keep quoting scripture, or just call out saying "God is Good," "No Weapon formed against me shall prosper", or the "devil is a liar." I try to focus on other things, but it really tries to attack when all gets quiet. I know we wrestle against principalities and rulers of darkness and wickeness in high places, and I wonder if this is why I was chosen to be attacked. You can't tell people because they think you are crazy. You wonder if anyone else is going through this. The evil thoughts can get so intense, but I try to catch them as soon as the come on. I know the battlefield is in the mind. I just wish there was a way to cut the thoughts off and have some peace. Never in my wildest dreams would I have put this on anyone. I repent a lot, and going to church is the hardest now. It is truly a battle.

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