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Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 3:09 am
by bna
Yesterday evening while at son's spoting event we has to leave early. My 8 yr olsson was very upset about it. The coach who I don't know very well offered to drop my son off after practice along with his son. My older son was palying across town and I needed to pick him up as well. My husband is out of town unexpectedly and my kids have several activities planned for this week which I will have to handle on my own.

I did appreciate the coaches offer but I don't know him well. I have only started to allow my oldest son (11yrs) to begin to travel with his friends/parents.

I had been practicing a response because I had heard the coach offer to drop my son up to the other baseball field as his oldest was also playing at the same field. It was when he actually offered that I felt I got tongue tyed and did not do well saying no thank you. I thanked him but told him I was a nervous mom who needed to have kids with me. I began to worry what must he have thought of me because I sounded a little crazed. Then began to beat myself over the fact for a 1/2 second I did consider but I did not feel comfortable about it.

Assertiveness/negative thinking and the what if ifs are still areas I need to continue to practice working on. At times, I beat myself up over this stuff but when I look at how far I have come since Dec I am amazed at my progress. I sometimes don't even recognize myself.

Thanks for allowing me to vent. I always feel better and inspired when I visit the forum and read about some of the issues and responses from others dealing with alot of the same things I feel. It's helps to know that I'm no the only one. Take care and God Bless,

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 7:52 am
by bevhembree
Don't kick yourself too much. Other parents understand in today's world the need to keep your children close by and in sight.
On the other hand though, 11 is a good age to start having some small separations. He will want to start spending the night out soon and stuff. But you have to be ready and comfortable to let that happen. Plus you had a lot on your mind and didn't have much time to make a decision.
If you feel ok with it, you could approach the coach sometime and thank him again for his offer of help and tell him that you may take him up on his offer soon.
If you just want to let it go, that's ok too. It's not a huge deal in the big scheme of things and the feelings will pass.
Parenting is the thoghest job and even harder dealing with anxiety. Take care!