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Assertiveness with boss

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 9:27 pm
by mtassinari
I am wondering if anyone has experience or thoughts on being assertive with a boss? I have this feeling like if I am assertive it will be insubordination. Am I supposed to adapt to my boss's micro-managing and scattered management style? I feel compelled to hold in any frustration I have rather than expressing it assertively, because it feels like part of having a job is doing what my boss tells me and being cooperative. Any comments would be appreciated.

Re: Assertiveness with boss

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 4:27 pm
by coachchris
This is Coach Chris from the coaching team. What a great question! Is your boss open to feedback? Do you ever have staff meetings where you brainstorm together? I like the approach of offering up solutions/ideas or new ways to move from good to better. Remember to use your I and we messages. For example, "I am wondering if there is another way we could do ____ better?

Hope this helps. Stay positive and keep practicing.

Coach Chris