what I have learned so far...

Respect yourself enough to stand up for yourself; your feelings, concerns, and opinions and ask for what you want. Also, learn how to say “no” without feeling guilty
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Post by presely » Sun Dec 16, 2007 2:06 pm

Hi everyone,
I have been scrolling around this web page today and found so many areas that I didn't even know where here. I should have read more carefully in the begining...However, when your so full of anxiety and excitement your memory isn't so hot LOL! can anyone relate
Here I am the midst of week seven. Some days the anxiety lurks, but not like it used to This week has been challenging, my anxiety has been a little more on the forfront. Why? I don't know...the holidays, the fact that I am getting ready to go back to work or perhaps it's a growth spurt? The thing is,that I know I can begin to face whatever it is that is bothering me. I was feeling rather anxious this morning, got my self going, went for a walk in the pouring rain and wind storm. It was cold, dark and grey. I walked down to the beach and loved every minute of the miserable day! So what's this mean? To me it meant that today was what I made of it. When you tell yourselfnegative messages such as,
the anxiety is back, that my day is ruined, or I went out today and the anxiety didn't go away, I am NEVER going to get over this, or this is taking to long to go away, I can't stand this! or I am home alone today, it's going to suck, what am I going to do?(just to name a few examples) Sound fimilar? Well no wonder we create bad days. Think about some of the thoughts you have about your anxiety or depression. Did you have a bad day at home alone and assume that everyday that you are home alone would be bad? Did you have an uncomfortable expeience and FEAR that, that experience will always have a negative attached to it? If so the question remains, how do you change this? The thing about people with anxiety/depression is that we analyze everything. Use you analytical skills to create something good. It doesn't mean you have to go out and change the world, think about how you can make this situation better. If you want to have a bad day you can create it. Have you done this? The same goes for a good day. Have you tried this?
I know this is a little lengthy, but I had to share what I have learned It helped me through today, I hope it can help some one else


Post by Guest » Sun Jan 13, 2008 5:31 pm

Thank You I appreciate so much you sharing this....I have had moments like that and I just have to keep talking to myself in a compassionate and loving way to keep the feeling!! after all that's what the anxiety is all about, keeping in the hole when there is more to see :0)


Post by Guest » Sun Jan 13, 2008 7:51 pm

Thanks I can relate. I hope I can use the skills has you have. I think thats how I got this way was running from fears and freaking out when the fear was too much which equaled body symptoms.


Post by Guest » Mon Jun 09, 2008 2:06 am

Thanks.. Yes I can definetly relate. Your words were exactly what I was feeling. For example on some weekends it was not that great meaning my anxiety. So as soon as the next friday came I already had it in my mind that weekend will be the same. It went on for like 3 weekends.. until I said enough I have to stop this. The last two weekends have been better. But I feel like instead of getting better is all I think about. Why do I have it? why am I aware of it constantly? I do the breathing and try to calm myself. and for the most part it helps. But there are some days I just feel the need to cry and REALLY get scared. will I ever loose my mind is this feeling ever going to go away. I also have to admit I have not being to great w the program I have to repeat a week because I guess I start to feel better and I do not continue using the program. Based on when I purchase the program I should of been done with it by now. I know I have to take it one day at a time... and do my part for example being more responsible w using the program...


Post by Guest » Wed Jun 11, 2008 6:04 am

Thanks for that great post presely,it is very helpful. Keanna-don't worry about the program. I too think I should be further but taking it rather slow instead. If all I had to do was this program it would be great! But life does give us challenges and we do the best we can. Keep pluging away at it. Pat yourself on the back just because you are trying to do it! Thats what I am doing. POSITIVE thinking right.

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