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The WORST mood swings-anger-irritation-annoyed....

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:04 pm
by CG822
It's so bad

Struggling with depression for over 10 years. Do not want to trying a 9th medication. Been dipping into the natural supplements. Anyone ever heard of Clarocet???

I am ruining my relationship with my boyfriend whom is SO GOOD to me and patient. I'm mean and I will fly off the handle for n reason. Then I get so depressed and I hibernate and isolate. It hurts to smile. My nerves are SHOT. I jump 10 feet in the air and unexpected noises or my dog barking. I am at war, with myself, once again. I have no motivation, people ask me questions and I am so rude to them with my answer. "Didnt you hear me the first time, why do you ask me that?, Ive told you a million times, listen when I talk" I have a great family and I treat them like shit....

I have been unemployed for over a year. I apply to jobd EVERY SINGLE DAY. I am in school, My confidence and self esteem are gone. What gives??? I've struggled for so long. My xanax helps, but I don't want to keep taking it. Been off anti depressants for a little over a month. Prozac made me moody. I'm a 28 YO female. I am all out of options. Turning it over to God helps, but is hard. He is probably annoyed at my prayers. I used to be upbeat, its gone. IDK where I went wrong. I want it all back, times 10.

Re: The WORST mood swings-anger-irritation-annoyed....

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:45 pm
by Clarysage
I hear ya girl! It has not been an easy road. I have been where you are and it hurts a lot. I felt so overwhelmed with myself and my problems and my attitude. I just did not give up (even though I felt like it sometimes). Part of my problem I only discovered a couple years ago and that is I was vitamin-D deficient. It was extremely low. Now that my levels are up to normal I feel so much better. It took over six months! This may not be part of what you are experiencing but if you see a doctor regularly it may be worth having your levels checked. It is a simple blood test.
Otherwise, most everything else is my own attitude and thinking that causes my difficulties and struggles. I listened to session 3 on self talk again today. This is so empowering. We can change the way we think. It is a habit we have developed and reinforced for years and years. It will take work and effort and it is totally worth it. Start being more kind to yourself. :) I hear you very discouraged. I used to feel that way all the time. This is a difficult time. I do not know exactly what to say that will be helpful to you. Try to listen to the cd's and do the best you can each day. I have gone to a counselor or therapist on and off for several years and that has been a great help. It took me a while to find a good one though.

(I never hear of the clarocet.) I do take B-complex and Omega-3's which are suppose to help with alleviating depression.

Re: The WORST mood swings-anger-irritation-annoyed....

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:56 pm
by Clarysage
another thing that is helpful to me is when it was pointed out to me that ANGER is a CONTROL issue. Do I have to control this? and trusting that ultimately GOD is in control so I don't have to be. I found that I would keep trying to control things and other people that I really had no control of. I say affirmations to myself everyday like:" I do not worry about things I have no control over" and do my best to not dwell on the negatives or worry. ;)

Re: The WORST mood swings-anger-irritation-annoyed....

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 7:54 am
by CG822
Thank you for replying guys! I do want to get my levels checked, I see my mood patterns before and after my monthly too. I want to get fish oil, I do take my vitamins, too. my psychical symptoms are so uncomfortable too. tunnel vision, dizzy, always tired, my eyes can never keep up with the motion of my head (if that makes sense). My heads jsut always foggy and I dont feel right.

I always tell myself God get me through everything else already and he will carry me through to a good balance. I pray like crazy!! I know how much he loves me!

Im going to listen to 6 again. It's been years...