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Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 10:53 am
by mcshope

How is your donkey doing?... I was not sure there were donkeys in the US... LOL... everybody talks about having horses, you are the first person that mentions a donkey.

Just as an idea, my husband installed a "reverse osmosis filter" under the kitchen sink, and also at the print shop. That filter eliminates everything from the water. We use filtered water for drinking and cooking. I love it, the water tastes much much better. I can get you more information about it, if you want.

Anyway, you are taking the appropiate steps to ensure your family is healthy.


Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 11:56 am
by THH
Hey Gang, Yey, everyone sounds good!
I read most of the posts and sounds like everyone is dealing with life in a positive way! YEY!!! :D

I supported our local animal shelter this weekend, they put on a Boo Wow walk. A mile walk with your dog on a golf coarse and they have stations where you get a treat for your dog. Sometimes candy or water for the human. About 300 people showed up so it was fun. I had some disappointments as my dogs wanted to lead the pack! LOL...(you can laugh Karen!) I had 2 80 lb dogs in pinch collars pulling me for a mile! Thank GOD my husband came as I could pass them to him from time to time. (hes as strong as a OX). But I wanted to do it, and myself. I need older dogs or smaller dogs! I was bummed as they were so excited I could hardly keep up with them. It was a good experience and I know what I need to do for next year. I figured if I could not take it I would quit and slip out the back way, but I finished! I brought them home and they crashed out the rest of the day/ night. Little sh#$s! :roll:

Being Sunday and all, I heard a sermon today on TV, ( LOL... that's my church!) But it was good. It talked about instead of talking about your mountain, talk to your mountain. I'm going to try that from time to time. To me it means instead of saying this is to hard, or how can I get around it, look at it and say I don't care how bad you look ---I'm coming ahead! Its not going to stand in my way nor make me change my plans. Again I think its self talk, and just being positive. Thought I'd share. Might be something in there that could help and goes along well with the program.

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 12:23 pm
by THH
We rescued a 6 month old baby donk last Oct. He was pretty ruff to look at. Hes doing so much better but as he is gaining weight and growing taller hes had some trouble with his hind legs. The tendons and bones are not matched up well. So as he is young we have some time to change him with luck we can. We sent in a blood test and are waiting for a reply from that. We tested all food and water. The water is high in several areas that could block absorption of other nutrients that could lead to a deficiency. Once we know he has one we can make some changes. If he has no real deficiency then we will wait to see if he out grows this problem. If he don't they can do a surgery to fix it. That is way down the road but it can be alright either way. We prefer for time and food to repair itself.

Oh gee, I'm glad you know about the reverse osmosis filter. My water place talked to me about that. We may have to install one here. He is coming Monday to check our system to make sure it is performing properly and if it is that is the next step. If its broke we may have to replace the unit. So I'll no more Monday.
SO you are really happy with your unit?
We are going to have a blood draw on ourselves as well. I guess if your healthy there should be no problem, as when you pee you get rid of excess potassium. So our Dr. will check to see that our organs are healthy and we will go from there. We go Tuesday. We have not had our blood checked in a year so its good to do either way. I keep telling myself I felt fine so I'm not going to allow myself What If thinking and dwell on that. That is a huge difference from early this year. SO I feel I'm learning and that is encouraging! :)

I also liked your thoughts on anger. I feel better talking about something that did not set well with me, rather then dwell on it later and wish I had. Also when someone else starts in on my I try not to make it personal esp. when I had nothing to do with any of their anger. That I think will be discussed in our next session. Being assertive. I have trouble with that one. I'm catching on but still struggle when I'm in the heat of the moment.
I think sometimes we all feel a little strange putting our thoughts out here, but I know others post have really helped me, and so thats why I do it, maybe to help someone else. So feel free to put them out here! I think we all enjoy reading them. ;)

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 12:30 pm
by THH
You did great on your vacation!!! You did drive even though you were uncomfortable and full of anxiety! You pushed ahead... be so proud of yourself! I know the area and its crazy driving in that area! Take your bow! ;)

We missed you!!! ;)

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 12:46 pm
by THH
Glad to see you posting too! Your doing great!!! no panic attacks, that means your keeping it at lower levels.
I like your meeting new people! Good for you. These are positive steps in your life. Sometimes life makes no sense! Roll with it, sometimes things reveal its self at a later date!

I'm glad you get a laugh out of the things I post. I do too... sometimes a after thought but it is funny how we can work ourselves up or over react so quick it is hard to grasp. One thing flows into the other with out effort!
Oh yea when the vet was talking about our house water I worked supper hard on following his words. It was like I left my brain and went to super overreact! I could not stop it. Then I put up the stop sign. Shakie as it was, by evening I had gotten calmer. When your in that state you want to resolve, I needed some facts and could not get anywhere. I would not let myself get on line as all I would need to see is the one bad word, I'd been in the er hanging on to one of the "white coats"! LOL...At least I know myself better after doing this program.
Glad your doing well! Keep up the good work! ;)

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 1:35 pm
by THH
YEY! for you meeting new people!

I'm not a expert in relationships,just some friendly thoughts.
I don't know if you are as worried as you sometimes seam about looks in people, or yourself. ( I picked that up in your thought replacement)
Looks change in people men as well as women. It is better to have someone who knows you and likes you for you the kind of person who cares about you. I know physical is somewhat important too, but #1 should be interest, likes and caring. #2 looks.
I've gone to my 30 year class reunion. Its amazing how the years changes people. Some of the best looking guys in my class, I would have never recognized them. Others looked the same. Maybe a little grey, or less hair but the personality's were still the same fun loving kind of people. The kids who were very superficial were still that way.
Its all in what you want. ;)

Just thought I would share that sage advise! LOL...

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 2:19 pm
by Karen L
Ok..decided Im not pushing myself hard enogh just because Ive been edgy lately......and this is in a good way...I need to extend my limits, not just keep driving my comfort I did extend my area a bit this one point I wanted to turn around so bad but I just said to myself"here we go, no turning back, if your going to freak out and die you just go right ahead" I kept driving, and wouldnt you know it, Im not a fraked out mess and Im sure not dead.......the anxiety subsided quickly, like within 20 felt so great that I actually drove a few other places a bit beyond my comfort Im feeling pretty good right now :) yeah me!!!

forgot to mention, last night I found out Im going to be a grandma again for the second time!! Im so excited :) I know that things will be a little rough for my son, but he will finish school before the baby is all is good :) I love grandchildren :)


Im so glad you are handling everything so well and that all the steps are working out to take care of your water are definitely right, that you feel fine, so there's no need to are going to the doctor just to make sure.....sounds like what any normal, non-anxious person would do anyways.....

it's so nice to have someone understand my warped sense of humor lol :)

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 6:27 pm
by Lindalee

I liked your thoughts on anger, I get paralized too when someone is angry with me, or frozen, I can even get a chill. This was helpful when I was a teenager and reacting differently to my step father's anger would have just fueled his anger to a higher level, I know because I saw my stepsister do this. This is also one reason why I don't like to express anger - I don't want to be like him. But stuffing it is harmful to me too. Again I see something that is not all or nothing. I don't need to fly into a rage, and I don't (can't) just not have any anger. I need to learn how to be and express anger in a healthy way.


Good for you! on driving and saying "if you freak out and die just go ahead " and you kept driving. Wow, that's great. Congratulations on the new baby on the way. I'm looking forward to having grandchildren someday.


You're right, I need to accept that as I change, other people, especially those closest to me, will see it and may not like the change. especially at first. there will be adjustments. It was an adjustment just having my husband home again after six weeks away, I felt guilty for going out today with my girlfriends and leaving him at home, but I want to keep this more independent side of myself that came out while he was gone. I used to only go out with friends while he was at work, whenever he was home I would stay home with him. But now he is still unemployed, and we have plenty of time together, and I want to keep close to my friends.

I rarely share about my anxiety with anyone, and never to people I just meet. I am sure anxiety is going to become a smaller and smaller part of my life as I keep working the program, and I want to share the positive parts of myself the most, I would advise being careful not to let anxiety become a major part of our identities as we are commited to overcoming it and moving on.I wouldn't want to build a relationship on shared anxiety, or pity from another person, or their trying to fix me.


Well done calming yourself after talking to the vet. I'm sure you are fine since you have no symptoms, but it's good that the problem in your water was found before you did. I think I should have my well tested, ..

I have a donkee too. He is a mini, but he has a big donkee attitude. He stands on guard for my horses anytime he sees something strange. He loves to play fight with the big thoroughbred, and its so funny to watch. I've tried to get it on tape but they just stop and stare at me when I get the camara out.

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 6:42 pm
by Lindalee
Today I felt just a general anxiety. This is new for me. My anxiety has always been situation based. I felt more "awake" and in the moment, but irritable and anxious. I started the questions of "what's wrong with me, why do I feel this way, am I getting worse, " etc. I think working this program, and especially the exercise and eating better has lifted my depression. I'm not so numb, and sleepy headed. I know I have had varying degrees of depression for Many years, perhaps the depression was covering up a lower level of general anxiety...Wow, I just realized as I typed this that I am way over thinking and analyzing this, OK I felt irritable and anxious. I'll just keep working the program and not freak out about it.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 7:27 am
by mcshope
Where is Mike????.... and Jamie???...


Yes, we met online... way before all the dating and matchmaking sites.
Congratulations on the driving, you are doing great. Congratulations on being a grandma again. You have a lot to celebrate :D


I love the reverse osmosis filter, it really makes water taste better. At the print shop the water is not so good, sometimes it looks yellowish, but with the filter it gets clear and tastes great. My husband has become an expert on reverse osmosis filters, as he maintains both of our filters and his mom's too. He also knows where to find them at a better price, so let me know if you plan of puting one.

It is nice that you are involved in different activities, the walk with the dogs sounds fun. Do you have horses too?... I know you work with horses, I imagine you also have horses.

I am a City girl... well, I used to be... I grew up in a big city, not too much room for gardening, mowing, fire piles, etc. So I am learning, I have been learning a lot since I came to live to the US. I live in a small city and I love it... no traffic, no major crime, peaceful place.

It is not easy to not freeze when someone is yelling, it is something that we learned a long time ago. However, that doesn't mean that we have to stay quiet. I guess we just have to wait for the right moment and express our feelings. I think lesson 7 will help us a lot.

Have a nice day everyone,
