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Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:27 pm
by layclulu
I need some advice

I used to get comfort from taking a walk and it would lessen my anxiety. I kinda got away from it over the past couple of years and have not regularly walked every morning for some time but occasionally would catch a walk here and there and was easily able to walk 30 minutes. My weight over the past few years has climbed to an additional 25 pounds from not walking.

This is the problem. I started to get motivated and wanting to walk again. Lately, just a few minutes into the walk my chest gets tight and I feel like I'm getting SOB. Of course, when this happens I get a little anxious and try to push on thru it or stop to catch my breath but it doesn't seem to help. I have tried positive self talk, 2-4 breathing, both of which have lessened symptoms somewhat but still no complete remedy. It doesn't seem to matter what time of the day it is either as usually it was happening in the morning but I went tonight instead and it was the same thing.

I'm not sure how to proceed with the exercise. I'm just getting done with lesson 5. I see and have reaped the benefits of exercise. But now, I'm not wanting to get out and exercise because I'm afraid of the symptoms. I'm not really obsessing that it's my heart or I'm going to have a heart attack which is my usual fear. I kinda feel like I just can't catch and my chest is tight and it's sometimes right in my stomach or sometimes up high in my chest. My heart doesn't seem to race during these episodes and I have checked my blood pressure right after the walks and it is okay. I worked out on an elliptical machine a couple of days ago and afterwards it felt like I had a hard time breathing all night but by the morning all was fine.

I'm fairly young (30), overweight (70#) but in fair shape. I can climb 8 flights of stairs and get out of breath but not in the same way as when I walk, not the tightness and feel like I can't get a full breath, although when forced I can.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 5:30 pm
by natalief
I cant give medical advice. But I can tell you that I exercise regularly and have for many years. I am in pretty good shape but if I take a week or so off and go back It takes time to get my breathing right,(my chest will get a little tight. Maybe try a heart rate monitor. It looks like a watch, you put it on you wrist and It monitors your heart rate and it also tells you how many calories you are burning in 10 min. 30 min etc. This might make you feel more comfortable with exercise. You can get one pretty inexpensive at walmart/target. You can even see how many calories you burn mopping your floors. lol I actually did this when I first got mine. Dont give up on exercise it is so good for you and Good luck.

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 5:35 pm
by rose_thorn98
Also getting in good physical shape does take time, you have to keep at it. It gets easier with time and the more you do it. Start off slow and build yourself up. You will see a change in your breathing but dont push too hard in the beginning.

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 3:12 am
by Guest
Thanks for the advice!

I think it's just that, I can't seem to regulate my breathing. This all started when I had a panic attack at the end of a walk, caused from negative thinking and I think I have that fear in the back of my mind so I start out guarded and breathing funny.

I have a heart rate monitor, I'll try it and see if it helps.

Thanks :) My goal is to do some exercise everyday and not let this little issue stop me.

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 3:44 am
by Guest
How about listening to soothing music or your relaxation cd(if you have the program) while walking, good luck and think positively about this.

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:40 am
by Mimigirl
I'm off to work now and after work I'm going to walk on the treadmill or use the elliptical machine. I'll bring my relaxation CD with me and give it a try and let you know how it went. Thanks

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 6:33 am
by Guest
yes, let me know. Hugs Nicki

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 9:56 am
by Guest
you've hit the nail on the head... this is exactly what happens to me also... i don't know, i tried to do the positive self talking but it all comes back to the sob, and some how i keep thinking what if it really is a heart attack, or something... i feel like i've hit this brick wall and can't get past it...
i'm afraid to exercise now, even though i know it's good for me, but i'm more afraid of dying...


Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 4:52 am
by Guest
Well, I did the elliptical machine yesterday. Since I feel so tight I treated it like a tight muscle, which the ribs and chest are, and stopped quickly at every 5 minute interval and stretched my neck, shoulders and upper back and regulated my breathing a bit. I also listened to the relaxation CD.

It all helped. I was the best exercise session since I had started. I felt good afterwards. I'm not sure of how long I even went, it was 20-30 minutes so I'm really proud of how much better it was.

I think even before I start the exercise I'm anxious about it and go into the same pattern of shallow breathing and tensing up my upper body like I always do, but now I'm asking my body to take in more air and it's hard, no wonder.

Thanks for the advice. I think starting slower, taking the breaks helped as I just can't jump back into exercise like when I was a little younge which is a lessoned learned.

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 5:04 am
by Guest
Great Job!!!!! Im very proud of you. Exercise is the one thing Im confidentr with and I call it MY THERAPY. so if you ever need someone to talk to or encourage you, you have a friend here. Keep up the good work and dont worry about going slow at first. Nicki

ps Im going on vacation untill wed so if you want to update me then.