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Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 1:14 am
by garnet
What if excerise and eating right just isn't enough. Here's the problem I first started my anxiety/panic/depression when my ex-husband went all psycho on me/children and new husband since then he went to prison for four years now he's out and I can feel it overwhelming me again. I am applying everything that I have learned from the program which is awesome and I walk four miles a day since starting the program.He hasn't contacted us yet but I know it is just a matter of time. How do I help that anxiety and panic?????

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 10:18 am
by Guest
It sounds to me as though you are living in the future. Worrying about when the bomb is going to drop. Focus on what you have today. Praise yourself for walking so far. That is so excellent. You are getting physically stronger. In addition, you are probably mentally stronger too. Just pushing yourself to walk and getting into that mindset says alot about you. It shows that you are determined and focused and strong. Translate those feelings into your personal life. Whatever comes your way you can handle it. Develop a mantra when you walk like "I'm healthy and strong. I am prepared to handle life and whatever it deals me." You can't control other people and their actions so worrying about what is to come is a waste of time. Hope this helps.