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Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:32 am
by india_6
at the moment i am on medication (unrelated to my anxiety) that makes me very sick to my stomach. i've been doing pretty well on the program and am very happy about it. but since i am feeling so sick, i can't eat anything, trust me i try, i love food, but i just can't. the mere thought of food turns my stomach. go figure that i am on the session about food an exercise. i have always been afraid of exercise because it makes my heart race. i have even avoided sex many times much to the dismay of my boyfriend. but that's how scared i get. and now that i haven't been eating i am getting weak and having bad pains in my stomach (mainly left side) which i'm sure is due in part to my lack of food intake. but the pain is scaring me too. sorry this is so long, i feel all over the place with this....i was/am bulemic (i don't think it ever really goes away) but i've been doing well for a long time now, but now i'm on these pills, and it does make me sick to eat but i also think my brain is getting into the track of "don't eat". leaning more towars an anorexic attitude, but overall i just can't eat. prob a mix between the pills and my mindset, but i am weak, and it is causing me anxiety and worry, and i'm still scared to work out. i am just a mess at the moment, and i just wanted some feedback i guess. thank you for reading.

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 9:25 am
by Guest
Hello india_6,
Whether it's anxiety or being bulemic a problem is a problem to solve. Approach it head on. Make your life what you want it to be. You can do it. Anxiety never really goes away. Someone who's been an alcoholic, it never really goes away, it's something you deal with on a minute to minute, day to day basis. If the pills are making you not eat then try something else or just stop taking them. You need to eat for strength and good health. You are going to have to change your mindset about food. I'm sure your boyfriend would rather see you happy, healthy, and strong than unhappy, weak, and a mess. Look, nothing's easy. But if you really want to and set your mind to it, you can straighten this out. It starts with making up your mind then trying and sticking with it. I've never really had this problem but a problem is a problem. You work on it and solve it. I hope you can work this out.

Inside Man

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:54 am
by Mommybear
When I started taking paxil for the first time it caused me to have a lack of appetite. I could only take a few bites and I would be sick. That only lasted for about two weeks. The side effect should subside shortly. Can you drink ok? If so try thinks like boost, ensure, or slimfast. They contain vitamens and protien. At least it will be something in your stomach. Also, try things like jello, pudding, chicken broth, apple sauce etc... just try getting things that don't require a lot of chewing and see if that helps to start.

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:26 pm
by Guest
GI822 is right. My guy started taking paxil and it really upset his stomach, for about two weeks. Then it went away. He had a hard time eating as well. If it still doesn't subside, then your doc will probably try something else for you. The upset stomach thing is very common. Also, the advice on the boost, etc. is perfect. Try that! Your tummy will get back to normal.