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Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 2:11 am
by vonci
hello everyone,
I started to exercise today (again :D) and fell really good after doing so. I am one of those inconsistent person myself and get bored, find "X" number of excuses to stay in bed a little longer and tell myself I'll do it later on the day. Of course after the kids get up and the day star evolving, there is tons of other "important" stuff to do but exercise :? so I really need daily motivation and support to get going and DO IT!
For a new year, a new day a new challenge and success.
See you around!

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 7:30 am
by NH Cat Lady
Hi Everyone!

Is this challenge still going on? If not can we restart it? My local gym (the only one) closed and I've had to depend on being commited to my DVDs. I have a whole variety of programs, I just need to get back to doing them everyday. I don't need to loose weight but I do need to do it due to genetic blood pressure issues.

Any one else for it?
NH Cat Lady

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 6:31 am
by Prv31Mom
I hope this is still ON! (And I hope Momof6 got into her little black dress earlier this week! :) )

I've been adding 30 seconds to my elliptical machine workout 5 days a week. I've increased it from 5 minutes to 14 (tonight) so I use the weight bench and free weights too for a few minutes.

Every little bit helps!!

Best wishes,

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 8:40 am
by NH Cat Lady
Hi Dawn -

Good for you! I don't have space in my house for any machines and I miss them! I sold my equipement with my last house when I moved. :(

I have a commitment after work today, but promise myself that I will exercise tomorrow! Huumm...Maybe I have time to sneak in a little bit...even if I just do 15 mins its better than nothing!

NH Cat Lady

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 2:30 pm
by Diggy
Exercise is something I have never stuck with. Its 2008 , after losing 20 lbs from suffering anxiety for the past 4 months i don't want to gain the weight back, cause i sure do feel good in my new body. ( i needed to drop the weight, just not in that way) i have about 15 more pounds to shed to be at my ideal weight for frame and height. We have a free gym at my company, but i just never want to go. I am thinking about joining a local gym where my friends belong, this way having a buddy would maybe make me enjoy going more. How is the challenge going and is it still on?

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 7:20 am
by Mom of 6
Hi Everyone!!! Yes, the fitness challenge is still on! and by the way, PRV 31 YES! I got into my little black dress was such a great feeling! To be totally honest, I took a week off of doing pilates, as I found that my lower back was really hurting me, however, I've been really busy lately and the pain has gone away, so....back to my exercising!!! I find that is REALLY does help with Depression/anxiety, and I don't know how I went so long without taking care of MYSELF. How is everyone else doing?
TC- Robin

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:50 pm
by Ccare1
What is the answer to really taking the step forward to exercise?? I mentally think about doing it but I always end up deciding ah, i'll do that later. Any inspiration??