I'm on the 13th session and this week I had 3 panic attacks. Anyone else?

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Post by curlygirl » Sun Sep 28, 2008 11:42 am

Hi I am on the thirteenth session, I have been on the program for about 18 weeks, had to take a break here and there, and well... this week I had 2 full blown panic attacks. I almost had my 3rd today when my church had a visiting pastor from India who shared about the persecution of Christians in his Hindi country. I had to walk out. Anyway, the other two panic attacks were the strongest that I've had in about 3 or 4 months. One was when I was getting a major deep tissue massage and the second was when my husband and I were fighting for hours. Recently, my husband and I almost ended our marriage, but we are working on it. Anyway, is anyone else still having panic attacks? I feel like I should have less since I am almost done with the program. Yet, my shoulders and back have been hurting a lot due to my tension and stress.

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Post by monty'smom » Sun Sep 28, 2008 12:24 pm

Hello CurlyGirl,

I think with the marital problems you have had that it's going to put you in a stressed out mode firstly and with all that stress raising hormone levels that are raging through your body it's no doubt you had a couple of attcks. I think personally you are being way to hard on yourself. Life has ups and downs and when you factor in other issues going on it's apt to cause you to slip on occasions. You are human, we ask a lot of ourselves, far more than we ask of others so please don't let this bump in the road fill you with self doubt and scary thoughts, instead look at what caused it, how you reacted and could have reacted differently. It's a learning process and not as bad as you feel it is. Try to just get past that time and keep moving on with the program. Maybe review a couple of sessions if you feel you can gain some insight from listening again.

Please don't beat yourself up over this, it's not worth it in the long run. Compare it to how many you could have had before you started..were they more often or were you even a little more capable of stopping them sooner? I bet you were!!!

You will be just fine. BELIEVE THAT EACH DAY!

Best Wishes as you try to heal yourself and marriage. It's a lot of work you have on your plate.

Be Kind To YOU!!!

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Post by pecos » Mon Sep 29, 2008 8:00 am

Hi CJ, I just saw your post, and wanted you to know I'd have replied sooner, if I'd seen it sooner. Your external life stressors are pretty high. I cannot begin to imagine what a basket case I'd be if I had an argument with someone and it went on for hours :( .
Montysmom has a good reply, and her note about your hormones being revved up is so true. Because I don't know what to say, I asked myself what I'd do if I were in your situation. This is absolutely what I'd do: I'd stay with Session Thirteen, BUT, I'd set it aside and go back and spend the entire day on Session Two. Listen to the CD, watch the DVD, and review/redo all the homework. I have a feeling that is where your answers will be found. (Spend the second day on Session Six, perhaps, too?) Please update. I will be watching this post. Take care, too. Your friend, Pecos

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Post by curlygirl » Mon Sep 29, 2008 10:41 am

Hi Monty's mom and Pecos, Thank you for your advice. I am going to try to be more caring to myself and go back to sessions 2 & 6. That's a great idea Pecos. Yesterday, I actually reviewed the 6 steps of dealing with a panic attack. So I did stop one from fully coming on yesterday.I will let you know how I am doing.Thanks for the thoughts.

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Joined: Wed Jun 11, 2008 11:04 pm

Post by curlygirl » Mon Sep 29, 2008 5:30 pm

Ok, ladies. I feel better at this instant, but I'm telling you that I almost went into full blown panic attacks about 3 xs today. I did start to review the session 2 workbook assignments. I need your prayers right now. Thanks.

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