Today was a good day!

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Post by Unknown2 » Wed Oct 08, 2008 3:35 pm

This morning something clicked. I don't know if it was the celexa or my thinking habits. It may have been a combination of both.

I went to bed extra early since I was planning to get up early to do a task. Well I awoke at 2:30am and could not get back to sleep. I wasn't a gittery as I have been for the past month and a half. So I decided to gear up for the day. I planted at least a hundred good thoughts about me in my own head. I repeatedly ran these thoughts over and over again in my mind. I started to feel stronger within a few hours. Throughout the day I would replay those same thoughts in mind even if I was with someone else. After work I continued even while watching tv. I thought things like: I am strong, I will not let others' opinions of me hurt me, I am good, intelligent, capable, I will succeed. I refused to think about anything from the past, even though a few thoughts crept in. I quickly went back to my positive self-talk.

At this very moment, I feel great. I will continue throughout the night to prepare for tomorrow. If I awake during the night, I will immediately start my positive self talk. Hopefully, tomorrow will be another good day!

Thanks for reading!

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Post by stargazer » Wed Oct 08, 2008 4:13 pm

Thank you for your post. I have trouble with negative thoughts and I am just beginning to counter them with positive ones. It has been hard. Sometimes I dont believe the positive ones but I will continue to work at it until i do. I think I have spent so many years telling myself negative things that it has become a very bad habit. Youve given me hope and I will continue with my efforts to replace the negative with the positive.


Post by Guest » Thu Oct 09, 2008 5:01 am

Really does feel good, doesn't it? It's cumulative. That's how we got messed up, we accumulated a lifetime of negative thinking and attitudes which weren't helpful. We unlearn them by learning new ways of thinking, and our attitudes fall right in with the new thinking.


Post by Guest » Thu Oct 09, 2008 5:17 am

I agree, I agree, I agree.......I am the Queen of negative moto "if something bad is going to happen; it's going to happen to me". NOT ANYMORE........I feel my head with so many positive thoughts that I am rooting out the Negative........I am a work in progress but I sure feel better. Keep up the good positive thoughts. Many more good days to come.


Post by Guest » Thu Oct 09, 2008 5:21 am

thanks unknown 2 i have been struggling with positive self talk and believing it but i will do what you do and bombard myself with it until i believe many of you have said things that never even occured to me i have been bombarding myself with negative so long so now i have to do the opposite thanks for the help and everyone have a great and anxious free day


Post by Guest » Thu Oct 09, 2008 5:25 am

It truly is such a great feeling when our negative thought processes become less and less and we start to feel that this journey is working for us due to hard work and remaining faithfull to the program and all that is there to guide us along giving us skills to use daily and help us toss all that negative energy from the past into the trash where it belongs. Such a waste of life, living in the past when we can't change anything we did only how we chose to let it affect our present and future. I'm so happy for your great day but if or when you hit a bump in the road as many have on this journey that it's just a bump and a smooth road lies ahead. I've had so many months of great days due to positive self talk. BUT...

I've have had a rough few days this week and was feeling frustrated because I just could not pull myself together no matter how hard I tried but it's early in the program so there are bound to be those days off and on and we can't let them stop us from believing we can keep forging ahead taking 1 day at a time and knowing a step backwards is likely to happen and it's not the end of the world. We just keep going slowly and work even harder to make more great days and fewer bad ones.



Post by Guest » Thu Oct 09, 2008 7:38 am

Hello monty'smom,

How true we have rough days and as you said (quote) we can't let them stop us from believing we can keep forging ahead taking 1 day at a time and knowing a step backwards is likely to happen and its not the end of the world. We just keep going slowly and work even harder to make more great days and fewer bad ones.) You have helped me when I was going through some bad weeks by replying to me. I've read that post several times and it has put things in perspective for me. I was choosing to feel stuck but now I'm choosing to continue on starting the program again next week. This week was not a good week for me to start. But as you said "Just do it, no if's, and's, or but's." So I thank you for taking the time to read my post and replying to me. I'm sorry you have had some rough days this week. I hope you can get back to more great days soon.

Thanks again,
Inside Man

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Post by aliengal24 » Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:06 pm

Unknown2, nice going! ;)

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